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Defines 2D drawing primitives--shapes and images. All these primitives inherit TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.

Package fmx280.bpl


TArcTArc defines 2D arcs. TArc is drawn as part of TEllipse's contour. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TCalloutRectangleA rectangle with a triangular "peak" on one of four sides, used primarily to render a TCalloutPanel.
TCaretRectangleTCaretRectangle is a TRectangle descendant that can additionally hold caret (cursor) information.
TCircleTCircle defines 2D circles. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TCustomPathTCustomPath is the base class for all 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines.
TEllipseTEllipse defines 2D ellipses. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TImageTImage defines 2D image components. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TImageMultiResBitmapIs a multi-resolution bitmap used in TImage controls.
TLineTLine defines 2D lines. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TPaintBoxTPaintBox defines a 2D image component providing a canvas that an application can use for rendering an image. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TPathTPath defines 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines.
TPieTPie defines 2D pies. TPie is drawn as part of TEllipse. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TRectangleTRectangle defines 2D rectangles with customized corners. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TRoundRectTRoundRect defines 2D rectangles with rounded corners. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TSelectionTSelection defines 2D rectangle object that can be moved and resized. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TSelectionPointTSelectionPoint defines a 2D point object that can be moved. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to create controls.
TShapeThe base class for 2D graphic primitives--TLines, TRectangles, TPaths, and others. All these primitives inherit TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.
TTextTText defines 2D text objects. It inherits TControl and can be used in styles to construct controls.


TCalloutPositionDefines where, on one of the four sides of a rectangle, a callout pointer appears.
TImageWrapModeSpecifies whether and how to resize, replicate, and position the image for rendering the control surface.
TLineLocationSpecifies the way a line is drawn.
TLineTypeSpecifies how to place the line inside the local rectangle for defining the line length.
TOnChangeTrackingTOnChangeTracking is a type defined for OnChangeTracking events.
TPaintEventTPaintEvent is the method pointer type used to define OnPaint events.
TPathWrapModeSpecifies the wrapping mode for rendering path objects.