System.Sensors.TCustomLocationSensor Properties
Accuracy | public | Level of precision (in meters) of the geographic location data provided by the location sensor. |
ActivityType | public | |
Address1 | public | Getter for the physical location Address Line 1. |
Address2 | public | Getter for the physical location Address Line 2. |
Altitude | public | Getter for the altitude, in meters, relative to the sea level. |
Authorized | public | Specifies whether your application is authorized to use the sensor (atAuthorized) or not (atUnauthorized), or if the authorization state is unknown (atNotSpecified). |
AvailableProperties | public | List of properties that this specific sensor can provide. |
Category | public | Category of the sensor. |
City | public | Getter for physical city location. |
CountryRegion | public | Getter for physical country or region location. |
CustomData | public | Sensor-specific data fields. |
CustomProperty | public | Sensor-specific properties. |
Description | public | Description of the system sensor. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Distance | public | Minimum distance that the location sensor requires to trigger a location data update. |
ErrorRadius | public | Getter for the accuracy radius of the Latitude / Longitude values, in meters. |
HasCustomData | public | Specifies whether the system sensor has custom data with the specified index (True ) or not (False ). |
HasCustomProperty | public | Specifies whether the system sensor has a custom property with the specified index (True ) or not (False ). |
Latitude | public | Getter for the latitude, in degrees. |
LocationChange | public | Magnitude of a location change that makes the location sensor trigger location data updates. |
Longitude | public | Getter for the longitude, in degrees. |
MagneticHeading | public | Getter for the heading relative to the Magnetic North, in degrees. |
Manager | public | Manager that handles this sensor. |
Manufacturer | public | Manufacturer of the system sensor. |
Model | public | Model of the system sensor. |
Name | public | Name of the system sensor. |
Optimize | public | Specifies whether the location sensor should use the optimized Location API (True ) or the general-purpose Sensor API (False ). |
PostalCode | public | Getter for the physical location postal or ZIP code. |
PowerConsumption | public | Getter for the amount of battery power the sensor consumes. |
Regions | public | List of regions monitored by the location sensor. |
SensorType | public | Type of the sensor. |
SerialNo | public | Serial number of the system sensor. |
Speed | public | Getter for the speed, in meters per second. |
Started | public | Indicates whether the sensor is activated and ready. |
State | public | State of the sensor. |
StateProvince | public | Getter for the physical location state or province. |
TimeStamp | public | Date of the most recent measures that the sensor took. |
TrueHeading | public | Getter for the heading relative to the True North, in degrees. |
UniqueID | public | ID that uniquely identifies the sensor. |
UsageAuthorization | public |