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function FindCaption(StartIndex: Integer; Value: string;
Partial, Inclusive, Wrap: Boolean): TListItem;


TListItem* __fastcall FindCaption(int StartIndex, System::UnicodeString Value, bool Partial, bool Inclusive, bool Wrap);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.ComCtrls TCustomListView


Returns a list view item, if any, with the specified caption.

Call FindCaption to search for a list view item labeled by the string specified as the Value parameter. If the Inclusive parameter is true, the list item specified by StartIndex is the first item checked. Otherwise, the search starts on the next item. If the Wrap parameter is true, the search continues at the top of the list if a match has not been found before reaching the bottom. FindCaption returns the first item with the Caption property equal to Value. If the Partial parameter is true, a Caption matches if it starts with the substring Value. If Partial is false, the Caption must match Value exactly. If no item is found, FindCaption returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).

See Also