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property ImageIndex: TImageIndex read FImageIndex write SetImageIndex default -1;


__property System::Uitypes::TImageIndex ImageIndex = {read=FImageIndex, write=SetImageIndex, default=-1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ComCtrls TListColumn


Determines which image is displayed as the icon for the column header.

Set ImageIndex to associate the column header with one of the images in the LargeImages or SmallImages property of the list view.

ViewStyle can take the following values:

Value Meaning


Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label below it. The user can drag the items to any location in the list view window.


Each item appears as a small icon with the label to the right of it. The user can drag the items to any location.


Each item appears as a small icon with a label to the right of it. Items are arranged in columns and cannot be dragged by the user.


Each item appears on its own line with information arranged in columns. The leftmost column contains the small icon and label, and subsequent columns contain subitems as specified by the application. Unless ShowColumnHeaders is false, each column has a header.

If the ViewStyle of the list view is vsIcon, ImageIndex is the index of the image in the LargeImages property of the list view, where 0 specifies the first image. If the ViewStyle of the list view is vsSmallIcon, vsList, or vsReport, ImageIndex is the index of the image in the SmallImages property of the list view.

See Also