Members to work with Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM). See Developing Interoperable Applications Using COM.
Package | rtl290.bpl |
EOleError | EOleError is the exception class for low-level OLE errors. |
EOleException | EOleException is the exception class for OLE automation errors that occur in methods or properties of an object. |
EOleRegistrationError | EOleRegistrationError is the exception class for errors that occur when registering an OLE object. |
EOleSysError | EOleSysError is the exception class for errors specific to the OLE IDispatch interface. |
IServerExceptionHandler | Interface that allows you to report SafeCall exceptions that occur in a TComObject server to a third party. |
TAutoClass | Class-reference type of TAutoObject. |
TAutoIntfObject | TAutoIntfObject implements the IDispatch and ISupportErrorInfo interfaces. |
TAutoObject | TAutoObject is a CoClass that supports the IDispatch interface, and that can be used as a base class for ActiveX Automation servers. |
TAutoObjectEvent | TAutoObjectEvent adds connection point support to the TAutoObject implementation. |
TAutoObjectFactory | TAutoObjectFactory is the class factory for TAutoObject. |
TComClass | Class of TComObject. |
TComClassManager | TComClassManager is the class type of the ComClassManager variable in the ComObj unit. |
TComObject | TComObject is the base class for creating simple COM classes, such as those used for creating Shell extensions. |
TComObjectFactory | TComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TComObject class. |
TComServerObject | TComServerObject is the abstract base class for TComServer. |
TConnectionPoint | TConnectionPoint implements the IConnectionPoint interface for a single outgoing interface. |
TConnectionPoints | TConnectionPoints implements the IConnectionPointContainer interface for a COM object that generates events on clients. |
TTypedComClass | Class of TTypedComObject. |
TTypedComObject | TTypedComObject supports the IProvideClassInfo interface and is the class type for COM objects that can provide the type information without requiring a type library to be loaded. |
TTypedComObjectFactory | TTypedComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TypedComObject class. |
ClassIDToProgID | Returns the programmatic ID for a specified class given its class ID (CLSID). |
ComClassManager | Returns a TComClassManager object. |
CreateClassID | CreateClassID generates a new GUID and returns it as a string. |
CreateComObject | Instantiates a single instance of a COM object. |
CreateOleObject | Instantiates an Automation object. |
CreateRegKey | Creates or opens a registry key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. |
CreateRemoteComObject | Creates a Com object on another machine and returns an IUnknown interface for it. |
DeleteRegKey | Deletes a single key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. |
DispatchInvoke | Calls the Invoke method on the specified IDispatch interface (Dispatch) using the specified call descriptor (CallDesc), dispatch IDs (DispIDs), parameters (Params) and result (Result). |
DispatchInvokeError | Raises an exception using the specified OLE return code (Status) and exception information (ExcepInfo). |
EventDispatchInvoke | Calls the specified Invoker with the specified dispatch ID (DispId ) and parameters (ADistParams ) as arguments. |
GetActiveOleObject | Retrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface to a currently running, registered COM object. |
GetDispatchPropValue | Returns the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. |
GetRegStringValue | Retrieves a value stored under a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. |
GUIDToString | Returns a string representation of the specified global unique identifier (GUID). |
HandleSafeCallException | Sets the information of the specified exception (ExceptObject ) as the error information object for the current logical thread of execution. |
InterfaceConnect | Connects an IConnectionPoint interface. |
InterfaceDisconnect | Disconnects an IConnectionPoint interface connection that was previously made by the InterfaceConnect procedure. |
OleCheck | Throws an EOleSysError exception if the result code indicates an error. |
OleError | Raises an EOleSysError exception. |
ProgIDToClassID | Returns the class ID (CLSID) GUID that corresponds to the string specified as the ProgID parameter. |
RegisterAsService | Registers a COM object as an NT service. |
RegisterComServer | Registers an in-process COM server with the operating system. |
SetDispatchPropValue | Sets the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. |
StringToGUID | Returns a global unique identifier (GUID) that is represented by the specified string. |
StringToLPOLESTR | Returns the specified string as an instance of POleStr. |
TClassInstancing | UTClassInstancing determines how COM objects are instantiated. |
TCoAddRefServerProcessProc | |
TCoCreateInstanceExProc | |
TCoInitializeExProc | |
TConnectEvent | Type of function to handle the OnConnect event of a connection point. |
TConnectionKind | This is a tuple that contains possible values for the connection type. |
TCoReleaseServerProcessProc | |
TCoResumeClassObjectsProc | |
TCoSuspendClassObjectsProc | |
TEventDispatchInvoker | Type of anonymous method that EventDispatchInvoke calls. |
TFactoryProc | Type of anonymous class method that TComClassManager.ForEachFactory calls on factories associated with a given server. |
TOleVariantArray | Array of instances of OleVariant. |
TThreadingModel | TThreadingModel indicates how COM serializes calls to a COM object. |
CoAddRefServerProcess | Function that increments a global per-process reference count and returns the current reference count. |
CoCreateInstanceEx | Function that creates an instance of the specified class on the specified machine. |
CoInitFlags | Specifies the level of threading support requested for a COM server .EXE. |
CoInitializeEx | Function that initializes the COM library to be used by the calling thread. |
CoReleaseServerProcess | Function that decrements the global per-process reference count and returns 0 if your server application should initiate its cleanup; it returns a non-zero value otherwise. |
CoResumeClassObjects | Function that your server application (that can register multiple class objects) must call to inform the Service Control Manager about all registered classes. |
CoSuspendClassObjects | Function that you can call to prevent new activation requests from the Service Control Manager on all class objects registered within the process. |