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constructor Create(const Message: string; ErrorCode: HRESULT;
const Source, HelpFile: string; HelpContext: Integer);


__fastcall EOleException(const System::UnicodeString Message, HRESULT ErrorCode, const System::UnicodeString Source, const System::UnicodeString HelpFile, int HelpContext);
/* Exception.CreateFmt */ inline __fastcall EOleException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High) : EOleSysError(Msg, Args, Args_High) { }
/* Exception.CreateRes */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::NativeUInt Ident)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(Ident) { }
/* Exception.CreateRes */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(ResStringRec) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmt */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::NativeUInt Ident, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(Ident, Args, Args_High) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmt */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(ResStringRec, Args, Args_High) { }
/* Exception.CreateHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, int AHelpContext) : EOleSysError(Msg, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High, int AHelpContext) : EOleSysError(Msg, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::NativeUInt Ident, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(Ident, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(ResStringRec, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(ResStringRec, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EOleException(System::NativeUInt Ident, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : EOleSysError(Ident, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.Win.ComObj EOleException


Creates an EOleSysError object.

System.Win.ComObj.EOleException.Create inherits from System.Win.ComObj.EOleSysError.Create. All content below this line refers to System.Win.ComObj.EOleSysError.Create.

Creates an EOleSysError object.

Create calls SysErrorMessage to turn the OLE error code, ErrorCode, into a message string that it passes to the inherited constructor. EOleSysError initializes the ErrorCode property to the ErrorCode string.

See Also