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Members to work with Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM). See Developing Interoperable Applications Using COM.

Package rtl290.bpl


EOleErrorEOleError is the exception class for low-level OLE errors.
EOleExceptionEOleException is the exception class for OLE automation errors that occur in methods or properties of an object.
EOleRegistrationErrorEOleRegistrationError is the exception class for errors that occur when registering an OLE object.
EOleSysErrorEOleSysError is the exception class for errors specific to the OLE IDispatch interface.
IServerExceptionHandlerInterface that allows you to report SafeCall exceptions that occur in a TComObject server to a third party.
TAutoClassClass-reference type of TAutoObject.
TAutoIntfObjectTAutoIntfObject implements the IDispatch and ISupportErrorInfo interfaces.
TAutoObjectTAutoObject is a CoClass that supports the IDispatch interface, and that can be used as a base class for ActiveX Automation servers.
TAutoObjectEventTAutoObjectEvent adds connection point support to the TAutoObject implementation.
TAutoObjectFactoryTAutoObjectFactory is the class factory for TAutoObject.
TComClassClass of TComObject.
TComClassManagerTComClassManager is the class type of the ComClassManager variable in the ComObj unit.
TComObjectTComObject is the base class for creating simple COM classes, such as those used for creating Shell extensions.
TComObjectFactoryTComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TComObject class.
TComServerObjectTComServerObject is the abstract base class for TComServer.
TConnectionPointTConnectionPoint implements the IConnectionPoint interface for a single outgoing interface.
TConnectionPointsTConnectionPoints implements the IConnectionPointContainer interface for a COM object that generates events on clients.
TTypedComClassClass of TTypedComObject.
TTypedComObjectTTypedComObject supports the IProvideClassInfo interface and is the class type for COM objects that can provide the type information without requiring a type library to be loaded.
TTypedComObjectFactoryTTypedComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TypedComObject class.


ClassIDToProgIDReturns the programmatic ID for a specified class given its class ID (CLSID).
ComClassManagerReturns a TComClassManager object.
CreateClassIDCreateClassID generates a new GUID and returns it as a string.
CreateComObjectInstantiates a single instance of a COM object.
CreateOleObjectInstantiates an Automation object.
CreateRegKeyCreates or opens a registry key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
CreateRemoteComObjectCreates a Com object on another machine and returns an IUnknown interface for it.
DeleteRegKeyDeletes a single key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry.
DispatchInvokeCalls the Invoke method on the specified IDispatch interface (Dispatch) using the specified call descriptor (CallDesc), dispatch IDs (DispIDs), parameters (Params) and result (Result).
DispatchInvokeErrorRaises an exception using the specified OLE return code (Status) and exception information (ExcepInfo).
EventDispatchInvokeCalls the specified Invoker with the specified dispatch ID (DispId) and parameters (ADistParams) as arguments.
GetActiveOleObjectRetrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface to a currently running, registered COM object.
GetDispatchPropValueReturns the value of a property on an IDispatch interface.
GetRegStringValueRetrieves a value stored under a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry.
GUIDToStringReturns a string representation of the specified global unique identifier (GUID).
HandleSafeCallExceptionSets the information of the specified exception (ExceptObject) as the error information object for the current logical thread of execution.
InterfaceConnectConnects an IConnectionPoint interface.
InterfaceDisconnectDisconnects an IConnectionPoint interface connection that was previously made by the InterfaceConnect procedure.
OleCheckThrows an EOleSysError exception if the result code indicates an error.
OleErrorRaises an EOleSysError exception.
ProgIDToClassIDReturns the class ID (CLSID) GUID that corresponds to the string specified as the ProgID parameter.
RegisterAsServiceRegisters a COM object as an NT service.
RegisterComServerRegisters an in-process COM server with the operating system.
SetDispatchPropValueSets the value of a property on an IDispatch interface.
StringToGUIDReturns a global unique identifier (GUID) that is represented by the specified string.
StringToLPOLESTRReturns the specified string as an instance of POleStr.


TClassInstancingUTClassInstancing determines how COM objects are instantiated.
TConnectEventType of function to handle the OnConnect event of a connection point.
TConnectionKindThis is a tuple that contains possible values for the connection type.
TEventDispatchInvokerType of anonymous method that EventDispatchInvoke calls.
TFactoryProcType of anonymous class method that TComClassManager.ForEachFactory calls on factories associated with a given server.
TOleVariantArrayArray of instances of OleVariant.
TThreadingModelTThreadingModel indicates how COM serializes calls to a COM object.


CoAddRefServerProcessFunction that increments a global per-process reference count and returns the current reference count.
CoCreateInstanceExFunction that creates an instance of the specified class on the specified machine.
CoInitFlagsSpecifies the level of threading support requested for a COM server .EXE.
CoInitializeExFunction that initializes the COM library to be used by the calling thread.
CoReleaseServerProcessFunction that decrements the global per-process reference count and returns 0 if your server application should initiate its cleanup; it returns a non-zero value otherwise.
CoResumeClassObjectsFunction that your server application (that can register multiple class objects) must call to inform the Service Control Manager about all registered classes.
CoSuspendClassObjectsFunction that you can call to prevent new activation requests from the Service Control Manager on all class objects registered within the process.