function HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
ExceptAddr: Pointer; const ErrorIID: TGUID; const ProgID,
HelpFileName: WideString): HResult;
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE HRESULT __fastcall HandleSafeCallException(System::TObject* ExceptObject, void * ExceptAddr, const GUID &ErrorIID, const System::WideString ProgID, const System::WideString HelpFileName);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.Win.ComObj.pas System.Win.ComObj.hpp |
System.Win.ComObj | System.Win.ComObj |
Sets the information of the specified exception (ExceptObject
) as the error information object for the current logical thread of execution. This function returns the error code of the error information object that it sets.
If ExceptObject
is not an instance of the Exception class, this function sets an error information object with an error code of 0, which stands for an "unexpected error".