IListViewAdapter = interface
__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{6E850F76-BABD-4756-BF05-A30C66A692AD}") IListViewAdapter : public System::IInterface
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
interface class |
public | FMX.ListView.Types.pas FMX.ListView.Types.hpp |
FMX.ListView.Types | FMX.ListView.Types |
Interface that any list view adapter must implement.
List view adapters must implement:
- Methods and properties to handle their list of list view items: Item, Count, GetEnumerator, IndexOf, Sort.
- Methods to handle views: CreateNewViews, GetDefaultViewHeight, ResetView, ResetViews.
- Events to handle changes: OnChanged, OnItemsCouldHaveChanged, OnItemsInvalidate, OnItemsMayChange, OnItemsResize, OnResetView.
To create a custom list view adapter, you should subclass TAbstractListViewAdapter, which implements most of the members of the IListViewAdapter interface.
The FMX.ListViewCustomAdapter sample application shows how to implement a custom list view adapter. See also the source code of the TListViewItems and TAppearanceListViewItems classes, both of which implement the IListViewAdapter interface.