Contains the Firebird and InterBase base driver classes and common service components for FireDAC.
Package | FireDACIBDriver290.bpl |
TFDIBBackup | The class implementing Firebird and InterBase database backup service. |
TFDIBConfig | The class implementing Firebird and InterBase database properties setting service. |
TFDIBInfo | Service component for InterBase and Firebird to query the service manager for the server version, license, configuration and usage information. |
TFDIBRestore | The class implementing the Firebird and InterBase service that restores a database from a backup. |
TFDIBSecurity | The class implementing Firebird and InterBase database security management service. |
TFDIBService | Base class for all InterBase and Firebird service components. |
TFDIBServiceHelper | |
TFDIBValidate | The class implementing Firebird and InterBase database validate and repair service. |
TFDPhysIBBaseDriverLink | TFDPhysIBBaseDriverLink is a base component class for Firebird and InterBase driver link components. |
TFDPhysIBCommandBase | |
TFDPhysIBConnectionBase | |
TFDPhysIBDriverBase | |
TFDPhysIBEventAlerterBase | |
TFDPhysIBTransactionBase |
PFDIBColInfoRec | Pointer to the TFDIBColInfoRec record. |
PFDIBParInfoRec | Pointer to the TFDIBParInfoRec record. |
PFDPhysIBCliHandles | Pointer to the TFDPhysIBCliHandles record. |
TFDIBColInfoRec | Holds column information. |
TFDIBParInfoRec | Holds procedure parameter information. |
TFDPhysIBCliHandles | |
TIBEncryptionType | Specifies the Interbase encryption type. |