Package | FireDACMongoDBDriver290.bpl |
EMongoNativeException | Defines an exception object specific to MongoDB. |
IMongoCursor | Represents the result set cursor interface. |
TFDMongoError | Defines an error item that keeps the MongoDB error specific information. |
TMongoBSONLib | Loads the libbson-xxx dynamic library and obtains the BSON API entry points. |
TMongoClientLib | Loads the libmongoc-xxx dynamic library and obtains MongoDB API entry points. |
TMongoCollection | Represents a MongoDB collection. |
TMongoCommand | MongoDB command builder. |
TMongoConnection | Represents a connection to a MongoDB server, and provides access to its databases and collections. |
TMongoCursor | Represents a MongoDB cursor that you can use to iterate through the documents of a result set. |
TMongoDatabase | Represents a MongoDB database. Use this class to manage the collections and users of the represented database. |
TMongoDocument | Defines a document that is the key object in MongoDB API. Encapsulates MongoDB bson_t structure. |
TMongoEnv | Defines a service object that groups together references to the client libraries, an error handling object, the character set encoders, a tracer, and others. |
TMongoError | Encapsulates the MongoDB bson_error_t structure that is required to handle the server errors. |
TMongoExpression | Represents a fluent style MongoDB expression builder. |
TMongoIndex | Fluent MongoDB index definition builder. |
TMongoInsert | Builder for a MongoDB insert operation. |
TMongoObject | A base class for all MongoDB API wrapping classes. |
TMongoOID | Encapsulates the MongoDB bson_oid_t structure that represents an OID (Object ID), which is equivalent to TJsonOid. |
TMongoPipeline | Represents a fluent style MongoDB pipeline builder. |
TMongoQuery | Represents a fluent style MongoDB query builder. |
TMongoReadConcern | |
TMongoReadPreference | Encapsulates the MongoDB mongoc_read_prefs_t structure and represents MongoDB API read preferences. |
TMongoSelector | Builder for a MongoDB selector, a query expression to filter a list of collections or the documents of a collection. |
TMongoSession | Encapsulates MongoDB mongoc_session_t structure and represents a MongoDB session. |
TMongoTransactionOptions | Encapsulates MongoDB Pmongoc_transaction_opt_t structure, representing MongoDB API transaction options. |
TMongoUpdate | Builder for a MongoDB update operation. |
TMongoWriteConcern | Encapsulates MongoDB mongoc_write_concern_t structure that represents MongoDB API write concerns. |
TMongoQueryFlag | |
TMongoQueryFlags |