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constructor Create(AEnv: TMongoEnv; AOwningObj, AParentObj: TObject); overload;
constructor Create(AEnv: TMongoEnv); overload;


__fastcall TMongoDocument(TMongoEnv* AEnv, System::TObject* AOwningObj, System::TObject* AParentObj)/* overload */;
__fastcall TMongoDocument(TMongoEnv* AEnv)/* overload */;
/* TMongoObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TMongoDocument(TMongoEnv* AEnv, System::TObject* AOwningObj)/* overload */ : TMongoObject(AEnv, AOwningObj) { }
/* TMongoObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TMongoDocument(TMongoEnv* AEnv, System::TObject* AOwningObj, Firedac::Phys::Mongodbcli::Pmongoc_handle_t AHandle)/* overload */ : TMongoObject(AEnv, AOwningObj, AHandle) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDBWrapper TMongoDocument


Creates a new empty MongoDB BSON document.

Use this method to create a new empty MongoDB BSON document.

This method is overloaded:

  • The first overloaded method is used internally. The method defines the following arguments:
    • AEnv: specifies a MongoDB API environment object.
    • AOwningObj: specifies an object that controls this object life-cycle.
    • AParentObj: specifies an object that represents the parent fluent-style command builder.
  • The second overloaded method defines the only mandatory argument AEnv.

See Also