IBX.IBCustomDataSet.TIBDataSet Properties
Active | published | Specifies whether or not a dataset is open. |
ActiveRecord | protected | Indicates the index of the active record in the internal cache of records. |
AfterCancel | published | Occurs after an application completes a request to cancel modifications to the active record. |
AfterClose | published | Occurs after an application closes a dataset. |
AfterDelete | published | Occurs after an application deletes a record. |
AfterEdit | published | Occurs after an application starts editing a record. |
AfterInsert | published | Occurs after an application inserts a new record. |
AfterOpen | published | Occurs after an application completes opening a dataset and before any data access occurs. |
AfterPost | published | Occurs after an application writes the active record to the database or change log and returns to browse state. |
AfterRefresh | published | Occurs after an application refreshes the data in the dataset. |
AfterScroll | published | Occurs after an application scrolls from one record to another. |
AggFields | public | Contains any aggregate fields. |
AutoCalcFields | published | Determines when the OnCalcFields event is triggered and when lookup field values are calculated. |
BeforeCancel | published | Occurs before an application executes a request to cancel changes to the active record. |
BeforeClose | published | Occurs immediately before the dataset closes. |
BeforeDelete | published | Occurs before an application attempts to delete the active record. |
BeforeEdit | published | Occurs before an application enters edit mode for the active record. |
BeforeInsert | published | Occurs before an application enters insert mode. |
BeforeOpen | published | Occurs before an application executes a request to open a dataset. |
BeforePost | published | Occurs before an application posts changes for the active record to the database or change log. |
BeforeRefresh | published | Occurs immediately before an application refreshes the data in the dataset. |
BeforeScroll | published | Occurs before an application scrolls from one record to another. |
BlobFieldCount | protected | Indicates the number of columns in the dataset that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields. |
BlockReadSize | public | Determines how many record buffers are read in each block. |
Bof | public | Indicates whether the first record in the dataset is active. |
Bookmark | public | Specifies the current bookmark in the dataset. |
BookmarkSize | protected | Indicates the number of bytes used to represent a bookmark. |
BufferChunks | published | Specifies the dataset buffer chunk size. |
BufferCount | protected | Indicates the number of records in the internal cache. |
Buffers | protected | Provides indexed access to the record buffers in the internal cache. |
CachedUpdates | published | Specifies whether cached updates are enabled for a dataset. |
CalcBuffer | protected | Points to the record buffer used during an OnCalcFields event. |
CalcFieldsSize | protected | Indicates the number of bytes in a record buffer dedicated to storing calculated fields and lookup fields. |
Canceled | public | |
CanModify | public | Indicates whether the dataset permits write access to data. |
CanRefresh | public | |
ComObject | public | Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. |
ComponentCount | public | Indicates the number of components owned by the component. |
ComponentIndex | public | Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. |
Components | public | Lists all components owned by the component. |
ComponentState | public | Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. |
ComponentStyle | public | Governs the behavior of the component. |
Constraints | protected | Specifies record-level constraints that must be met when editing the data. |
CurrentRecord | protected | Indicates the index of the current record in the internal cache of record buffers. |
Database | published | Identifies the database component for which this dataset represents one or more tables. |
DataSetField | public | Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset. |
DataSource | published | Represents the data source of another dataset that supplies values to the dataset. |
DBHandle | public | Specifies the database handle for the dataset. |
DeleteSQL | published | Holds the SQL statement used to delete rows from the dataset. |
Designer | public | Returns a pointer to the DataSet designer for the dataset. |
DesignInfo | public | Contains information used by the Form designer. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Eof | public | Indicates whether a dataset is positioned at the last record. |
FieldCount | public | Indicates the number of field components associated with the dataset. |
FieldDefList | public | Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. |
FieldDefs | public | Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. |
FieldList | public | Lists the field components of a dataset. |
FieldNoOfs | protected | Specifies the offset needed to convert indexes in the Fields property to field numbers. |
FieldOptions | published | Specifies the options of the dataset fields. |
Fields | public | Lists all non-aggregate field components of the dataset. |
FieldValues | public | Provides access to the values for all fields in the active record for the dataset. |
Filter | public | Specifies the text of the current filter for a dataset. |
Filtered | published | Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a dataset. |
FilterOptions | public | Specifies whether or not filtering is case insensitive, and whether or not partial comparisons are permitted when filtering records. |
ForcedRefresh | published | Specifies whether the dataset should refresh its data every time it posts a record. |
Found | public | Indicates whether or not moving to a different record is successful. |
GeneratorField | published | Specifies whether the dataset should refresh its data every time it posts a record. |
InsertSQL | published | Holds the SQL statement used to insert rows into the dataset. |
InternalCalcFields | protected | Indicates whether the dataset includes internally calculated fields. |
InternalPrepared | protected | Indicates whether the dataset has prepared its queries for execution. |
IOBufferSize | protected | |
IsUniDirectional | public | Indicates whether the dataset is unidirectional. |
LiveMode | public | Indicates what types of edits, if any, can be made to the data in the dataset. |
Modified | public | Indicates whether the active record is modified. |
ModifySQL | published | Provides the ability to access the SQL object encapsulating the ModifySQL statement. |
Name | published | Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. |
NestedDataSetClass | protected | Indicates the class type to use when creating nested datasets. |
NestedDataSets | protected | Lists all nested datasets. |
ObjectView | published | Specifies whether fields are stored hierarchically or flattened out in the Fields property. |
Observers | public | Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent. |
OnCalcFields | published | Occurs when an application recalculates calculated fields. |
OnDeleteError | published | Occurs when an application attempts to delete a record and an exception is raised. |
OnEditError | published | Occurs when an application attempts to modify or insert a record and an exception is raised. |
OnNewRecord | published | Occurs when an application inserts or appends a new dataset record. |
OnPostError | published | Occurs when an application attempts to modify or insert a record and an exception is raised. |
Owner | public | Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. |
ParamCheck | published | Specifies whether the parameter list for a query is regenerated if the SQL property changes at runtime. |
Params | public | Specifies the parameters to use for any parameterized queries. |
Plan | public | Indicates the PLAN portion of the dataset's SELECT query. |
PrecommittedReads | published | |
Prepared | public | Determines whether or not a set of dataset queries is prepared for execution. |
QDelete | protected | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the DeleteSQL statement. |
QInsert | protected | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the InsertSQL statement. |
QModify | protected | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the ModifySQL statement. |
QRefresh | protected | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the RefreshSQL statement. |
QSelect | protected | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the SelectSQL statement. |
RecNo | public | Indicates the active record number in the dataset. |
RecordCount | public | Indicates the total number of records associated with the dataset. |
RecordSize | public | Indicates the size of a record in the dataset. |
RefreshSQL | published | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the RefreshSQL statement. |
RowsAffected | public | Indicates the number of rows operated on by the latest query execution. |
SelectSQL | published | Provides the ability to directly access the SQL object encapsulating the SelectSQL statement. |
SelectStmtHandle | public | Gets the handle for the SELECT statement. |
SparseArrays | public | Determines whether a unique TField object is created for each element of an array field. |
SQLParams | protected | Specifies the parameters to use for any parameterized queries. |
State | public | Indicates the current operating mode of the dataset. |
StatementType | public | Returns the statement type of the QSelect query. |
StoredFieldKinds | public | |
Tag | published | Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component. |
Transaction | published | Identifies the transaction under which the query executes. |
TRHandle | public | Specifies the transaction handle for the dataset. |
UniDirectional | published | Determines whether bidirectional cursors are enabled for the dataset. |
UpdateMode | protected | Indicates how records are located when updating records. |
UpdateObject | published | Specifies the update object component used to update a read-only result set. |
UpdateRecordTypes | public | Specifies the type of records visible in a dataset when cached updates are enabled. |
UpdatesPending | public | Indicates whether the cached updates buffer contains records that are not yet applied. |
VCLComObject | public | Represents information used internally by components that support COM. |