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function GetHeaderName(Info: PTypeInfo; AClass: TClass): InvString;


InvString __fastcall GetHeaderName(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info, System::TClass AClass);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.InvokeRegistry TInvokableClassRegistry


Returns the name of a header that is identified by a specified class reference.

GetHeaderName returns the name of a header given the class that represents it. This is the name supplied to a call to RegisterHeaderClass when the header was registered. If the header was registered without supplying a name, this is the same name as the type name supplied for the header when it is registered with the remotable type registry.

Info is the runtime type information for the interface associated with the header.

AClass is a class reference to the TSOAPHeader descendant that represents the header.

GetHeaderName returns the name of the header. This name is defined within the namespace that the GetHeaderNamespace method returns.

See Also