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function  GetInterfaceExternalName(Info: PTypeInfo; const Namespace: string; const InternalIntfName: string): InvString; overload;
function  GetInterfaceExternalName(Info: PTypeInfo; const Namespace: string): InvString; overload;
function  GetInterfaceExternalName(Info: PTypeInfo): InvString; overload;


InvString __fastcall GetInterfaceExternalName(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info, const System::UnicodeString Namespace, const System::UnicodeString InternalIntfName)/* overload */;
InvString __fastcall GetInterfaceExternalName(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info, const System::UnicodeString Namespace)/* overload */;
InvString __fastcall GetInterfaceExternalName(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.InvokeRegistry TInvokableClassRegistry


Returns the name of the port type that corresponds to an invokable interface.

GetInterfaceExternalName returns the name of the port type that corresponds to a specified invokable interface. This is the name given to the corresponding port type in a WSDL document. The association between the external name and the interface name is established by the RegisterInterface method.

Info is the type information pointer for the invokable interface.

Namespace is the namespace assigned to the invokable interface when it was registered by a call to the RegisterInterface method. If the interface was registered using the automatically-generated namespace, this parameter can be omitted or you can supply an empty string.

InternalIntfName is the name of the invokable interface.

See Also