function InfoToURI(Info: PTypeInfo; var URI, Name: InvString; var IsScalar: Boolean; tryToRegister: Boolean = True): Boolean;
bool __fastcall InfoToURI(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info, InvString &URI, InvString &Name, bool &IsScalar, bool tryToRegister = true);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Soap.InvokeRegistry.pas Soap.InvokeRegistry.hpp |
Soap.InvokeRegistry | TRemotableTypeRegistry |
Returns the namespace URI and type name for a registered type.
InfoToURI returns the namespace URI and type name that is associated with the specified type description. This association is established when you register a type by calling the RegisterXSInfo method.
Info is a pointer to the runtime type information (RTTI) for the registered type.
URI returns the namespace URI that is associated with the type.
Name returns the registered name of the type.
IsScalar indicates whether the type corresponds to a scalar type in a WSDL document.
tryToRegister indicates whether the remotable type registry should auto-register the type that Info specifies if it is not already registered. This parameter is only used if the AutoRegisterNativeTypes property is true.