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function BeginHead(const AURL: string; const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginHead(const AsyncCallback: TAsyncCallback; const AURL: string; const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginHead(const AsyncCallbackEvent: TAsyncCallbackEvent; const AURL: string; const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IAsyncResult; overload;


System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginHead(const System::UnicodeString AURL, const System::Net::Urlclient::TNetHeaders AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginHead(const System::Classes::_di_TAsyncCallback AsyncCallback, const System::UnicodeString AURL, const System::Net::Urlclient::TNetHeaders AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginHead(const System::Classes::TAsyncCallbackEvent AsyncCallbackEvent, const System::UnicodeString AURL, const System::Net::Urlclient::TNetHeaders AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Net.HttpClient THTTPClient


Starts an asynchronous HTTP request using the HEAD HTTP request method.

When you call BeginHead, you must provide the data required to perform your HTTP request:

  • AURL is the target URL of your request.
  • AHeaders (optional) is a list of headers to include in the request.
  • AsyncCallback (optional) is a callback procedure to be called when a response is received or the request fails.
  • AsyncCallbackEvent (optional) is an event handler to be called when a response is received or the request fails.

For more information, see BeginExecute.

See Also