System.Tether.NetworkAdapter.TTetheringNetworkAdapterCommon Methods
AddLogItem | public | Enables the specified log item for logging information. |
AddManagerInfo | protected | Adds a TTetheringManagerInfo entry with the specified data to the internal list of remote managers. |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
AutoConnectEndManagersTimer | protected | Registers discovered remote managers after the maximum time for automatic connection to remote managers passes. |
BeforeDestruction | public | Responds before the first destructor executes. |
CancelManagersDiscovery | public | Cancels a manager discovery operation started by either StartManagersAutoConnect or StartManagersDiscovery. |
CancelProfilesDiscovery | public | Cancels a profile discovery operation started by StartProfilesDiscovery. |
CheckDisposed | protected | This method is deprecated. |
CheckPassword | protected | Returns True if the specified hash matches a hash of the concatenation of the password of the adapter manager and the specified seed. |
CheckToken | protected | Returns True if the specified hash matches a hash of the concatenation of the hash from the last connection to the remote manager and the specified seed. |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
Create | public | Creates an instance of this network adapter class that uses the specified IP version. |
CreateInstance | protected | Creates an instance of this adapter class and returns it. |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
Destroy | public | Destroys this network adapter object. |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DisposeOf (deprecated) | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoAuthErrorFromLocal | protected | Dispatcher of the OnAuthErrorFromLocal event of the manager of the adapter. |
DoAuthErrorFromRemote | protected | Dispatcher for the OnAuthErrorFromRemote event of the manager of the adapter. |
DoCreateCommunicationThread | protected | Creates and configures a communication thread to handle the communications of this adapter asynchronously. |
DoDiscoverManagers | protected | Starts the discovery of remote managers for connection to the manager of this network adapter. |
DoLaunchNotification | protected | Handles a notification received from a remote adapter, and passes this notification to the manager of your adapter. |
DoNewManager | protected | Dispatcher of the OnNewManager event of the manager of the adapter. |
DoPairedFromLocal | protected | Dispatcher of the OnPairedFromLocal event of the manager of the adapter, also responsible for starting the discovery of remote profiles provided by the paired remote manager. |
DoPairedToRemote | protected | Dispatcher of the OnPairedToRemote event of the manager of the adapter, also responsible for starting the discovery of remote profiles provided by the paired remote manager. |
DoRemoteManagerShutdown | protected | Dispatcher of the OnRemoteManagerShutdown event of the manager of the adapter, also responsible for disconnecting the profiles of your manager from the remote profiles of the remote manager that announced its shutdown. |
DoRequestManagerPassword | protected | Dispatcher of the OnRequestManagerPassword event of the manager of the adapter, responsible for providing the password required to pair with a remote manager. |
DoStopListening | protected | Stops listening to other adapters, and notifies any adapter in range that your adapter is not listening any more. |
DoUnPairManager | protected | Dispatcher of the OnUnPairManager event of the manager of your adapter, responsible for disconnecting and unpairing from a remote manager. |
EndManagersTimer | protected | Registers discovered remote managers after the maximum time for discovery of remote managers passes. |
EndProfilesTimerProc | protected | Event handler called when the operation to discover remote profiles published by a remote manager finishes, either successfully or due to a time out. |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
GenerateTimer | protected | Creates a timer that, once started, calls the specified event handler when the specified time in milliseconds passes unless you stop the timer manually. |
GenerateToken | protected | Returns an SHA-1 token based on the specified manager identifier and random seed. |
GetAdapterType | protected | Getter of AdapterType. |
GetAutomaticTimeout | protected | Returns the default timeout period to discover managers |
GetClientPeer | public | Returns an object that a protocol of the specified protocol type can use for connections as a client over IP network communication. |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetHash | protected | Returns an SHA-1 hash of the specified string. |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetRandomString | protected | Returns a random string with the specified number of characters (10 by default). |
GetServerPeer | public | Returns an object that a protocol of the specified protocol type can use for connections as a server over IP network communication. |
GetTargetConnection | public | Returns the TCP port number to connect to as a client |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
IsIP | protected | Returns True if the specified string is an IP address that this network adapter supports, or False otherwise. |
IsIPRange | protected | Returns True if the specified IP address represents a range of IP addresses that this network adapter supports or False otherwise. |
IsListening | public | Returns true if the communication thread of this adapter is initalized and listening. |
IsLoggingItem | public | Indicates whether the specified log item is enabled for logging information (True ) or not (False ). |
Log | protected | Logs the specified message using the registered log handling method in your manager. |
MaxConnections | public | Returns the maximum number of TCP connections to this network adapter. |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
NotifyShutdown | public | Notifies the shutdown of the manager of your adapter to any remote manager paired with the manager of your adapter, including the manager of your adapter. |
PairManager | public | Requests pairing with the specified remote manager. |
ProfilesInfo | protected | Information about the profiles registered in the manager of your adapter as a string. |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
RegisterLog | public | Makes the specified method handle calls to Log. |
RemoveLogItem | public | Enables the specified log item for logging information. |
SafeCallException | public | Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. |
SaveTokenFromLocal | protected | Saves the specified remote manager identifier and hash to the list of known remote managers of the manager of your adapter. |
SaveTokenFromRemote | protected | Saves the specified remote manager identifier and hash to the list of known remote managers of the manager of your adapter. |
SendManagerCommandToRange | protected | Sends a manager discovery command to the specified range of IP addresses. |
SendNotification | public | Sends the specified notification to the remote manager. |
SetLocalConnectionString | protected | Defines the connection string that other adapters of the same type as your adapter may use to connect to your adapter. |
StartListening | public | Starts listening for other adapters of the same type and notifies any adapter in range. |
StartManagersAutoConnect | protected | Calls DoDiscoverManagers to start the discovery of remote managers for automatic connection to the Manager of the adapter |
StartManagersDiscovery | public | Calls DoDiscoverManagers to start the discovery of remote managers for connection to the Manager of the adapter. |
StartProfilesDiscovery | public | Starts the discovery of remote profiles provided by the specified remote manager, with the specified maximum time. |
StopListening | public | Stops listening to other adapters, and notifies any adapter in range. |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
UnPairManager | public | Lets the specified remote manager know that the manager of your adapter is no longer paired to that remote manager. |