AnsiToUtf8Ex | Converts a string encoded in ANSI to UTF-8 with a given code page. |
ConvertStreamFromAnsiToUTF8 | Converts a stream from ANSI to UTF-8 encoding. |
ConvertStreamFromUTF8ToAnsi | Converts a stream from UTF-8 to ANSI encoding. |
DetectUTF8Encoding | Detects the encoding of a given RawByteString. |
HasExtendCharacter | Checks whether the string contains non-ASCII characters. |
HasUTF8BOM | Detects if a string or a stream contains the UTF-8 byte-order mark. |
InOpArray | Checks if a WideChar is contained in a given array. |
InOpSet | Checks if a WideChar is contained in a given set. |
IsUTF8LeadByte | Checks whether a character is a valid UTF-8 lead byte. |
IsUTF8String | Detects if a given string is UTF-8 encoded. |
IsUTF8TrailByte | Checks whether a character is a valid UTF-8 trail byte. |
LoadResWideString | Loads a WideString resource. |
LoadWideStr | Loads a WideString resource. |
UTF8CharLength | Returns the number of bytes that follow a lead UTF-8 byte. |
UTF8CharSize | Returns the number of bytes that follow a lead UTF-8 byte. |
UTF8LowerCase | Returns the UTF-8 string converted to lower case. |
Utf8ToAnsiEx | Converts a string encoded in UTF-8 to ANSI with a given code page. |
UTF8UpperCase | Returns the UTF-8 string converted to uppercase. |
WideAdjustLineBreaks | Adjusts line break characters in a WideString to reflect Windows or Linux style. |
WideDequotedStr | Converts a quoted WideString into an unquoted WideString. |
WideExtractQuotedStr | Converts a quoted PWideChar into an unquoted WideString. |
WideLastChar | Gets last character in a WideString. |
WideQuotedStr | Returns the quoted version of a WideString. |
WideReplaceStr | Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, using case-sensitive search. |
WideReplaceText | Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a WideString. |
WideStringReplace | Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string. |
WStrAlloc | Allocates a buffer for a PWideChar and returns a pointer to its first character. |
WStrBufSize | Returns the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a PWideChar allocated by WStrAlloc. |
WStrCat | Appends a PWideChar to another PWideChar. |
WStrComp | Compares two PWideChar values with case sensitivity. |
WStrCopy | Copies a PWideChar to another PWideChar. |
WStrDispose | Disposes of a PWideChar. |
WStrEnd | Returns a pointer to the end of a PWideChar. |
WStrLCopy | Copies up to a specified maximum number of PWideChar characters from a source to a destination. |
WStrLen | Returns number of characters in a PWideChar excluding the null terminator. |
WStrMove | Copies a specified number of characters from a PWideChar to another PWideChar. |
WStrNew | Allocates space on and copies a PWideChar to the heap, returning a new PWideChar. |
WStrPCopy | Copies a WideString to a PWideChar. |
WStrPLCopy | Copies characters from a WideString into a PWideChar. |
WStrPos | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a PWideChar in another PWideChar. |
WStrScan | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a specified character in a PWideChar. |
CharSet | Represents a set of allowed characters. |
TEncodeType | Defines a list of encodings. |
sUTF8BOMString | Represents the UTF-8 byte-order mark. |