FMX.Objects3D.TCone Methods
_AddRef | protected | Called when an application uses a component interface. |
_Release | protected | Called when an application releases a component interface. |
AbsoluteToLocal | protected | Returns the local point associated with P . |
AbsoluteToLocal3D | public | Returns the local 3D point associated with P . |
AbsoluteToLocalDirection | public | |
AbsoluteToLocalVector | public | Returns the local vector associated with P . |
ActionChange | protected | Specifies the behavior of a TFmxObject object when Action changes. |
AddFreeNotify | public | Adds AObject to the list of objects to be notified when this TFmxObject is destroyed. |
AddObject | public | Adds the AObject object to the Children list of children attached to this parent object (self). |
AddObjectsToList | public | Adds the children of this object to the given list. |
AddToResourcePool | protected | |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
AfterDialogKey | protected | |
AnimateColor (deprecated) | public | Creates a TColorAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloat (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatDelay (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
AnimateInt (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TIntAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateIntWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TIntAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
ApplyEffect | protected | |
Assign | public | Copies the contents of another similar object. |
AssignTo | protected | Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. |
AsyncSchedule | protected | Schedules asynch method calls. |
BeforeDestruction | public | |
BeforeRender | protected | |
BeginAutoDrag | protected | Begins an automatic drag operation. |
BeginInvoke | public | Performs an asynchronous call to the method specified by either AProc or AFunc . |
BeginUpdate | public | |
BringChildToFront | public | |
BringToFront | public | Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form. |
CanObserve | protected | |
Capture | protected | Captures all mouse messages. |
ChangeChildren | protected | |
ChangeName | protected | Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName . |
ChangeOrder | protected | Notification method called after the creation order is changed. |
CheckDisposed | protected | |
CheckForAllowFocus | protected | Verifies whether this control can receive focus. |
CheckHitTest | protected | Returns the value of the HitTest property. |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
Click | protected | Responds to user clicks. |
Clone | public | Returns a new cloned instance of this FMX object. |
ContainsObject | public | Returns True if the specified object is a direct child. |
CopyRotationFrom | public | Copies the rotation from AObject . |
Create | public | |
CreateChildrenList | protected | |
CreateHighMultisampleSnapshot | public | Creates a snapshot of this control using tile rendering and interpolation. |
CreateTileSnapshot | public | Creates a snapshot of this control. |
DblClick | protected | Responds to user double-clicks. |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
DefineProperties | protected | |
DeleteChildren | public | Deletes all the children of this FMX object. |
Destroy | public | |
DestroyComponents | public | Destroys all owned components. |
Destroying | public | Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. |
DialogKey | protected | Processes a dialog key. |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DisposeOf | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoActionChange | protected | TBasicAction.OnChange event dispatcher. |
DoActionClientChanged | protected | |
DoActivate | protected | |
DoAddObject | protected | |
DoDeactivate | protected | |
DoDeleteChildren | protected | |
DoEnter | protected | Responds to receiving the input focus. |
DoExit | protected | Respond to the loss of the input focus. |
DoInsertObject | protected | |
DoInventory | protected | |
DoMeshChanged | protected | Executes each time the mesh data attached to this TCustomMesh object changes. |
DoMouseEnter | protected | OnMouseEnter event dispatcher. |
DoMouseLeave | protected | OnMouseLeave event dispatcher. |
DoRayCastIntersect | protected | |
DoRemoveObject | protected | |
DoRender | protected | OnRender event dispatcher. |
DoRootChanged | protected | |
DoRootChanging | protected | |
DragDrop | protected | OnDragDrop event dispatcher. |
DragEnd | protected | OnDragEnd event dispatcher. |
DragEnter | protected | OnDragEnter event dispatcher. |
DragLeave | protected | OnDragLeave event dispatcher. |
DragOver | protected | OnDragOver event dispatcher. |
EndFunctionInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndUpdate | public | |
EnterChildren | protected | |
EnumObjects | public | |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
Exchange | public | Exchanges two objects from the children list. |
ExecuteAction | public | Executes an action. |
ExitChildren | protected | |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
FindComponent | public | Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. |
FindStyleResource | public | Returns the style resource object with the specified (AStyleLookup ). |
FindTarget | protected | Finds the control corresponding to P . |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
FreeNotification | protected | |
FreeOnRelease | public | Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. |
GetAcceptsControls | protected | Returns the value of the AcceptsControls property. |
GetActionLinkClass | protected | Returns the associated action link class. |
GetBackIndex | protected | Returns the first item in the children list. |
GetCanFocus | protected | |
GetCanParentFocus | protected | |
GetChildOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildParent | protected | Returns the parent or, if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildren | protected | |
GetData | protected | Protected getter implementation for the Data property. |
GetDeltaStreams | protected | |
GetDesignInteractive | protected | Returns the value of the DesignInteractive property. |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetDragMode | protected | Returns the value of the DragMode property. |
GetEnumerator | public | Returns a TComponent enumerator. |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetHintObject | protected | Returns the custom hint object that manages the hint display. |
GetHintString | protected | Returns the text of the hint. |
GetHitTest | protected | Returns the value of the HitTest property. |
GetIDsOfNames | protected | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetLocked | protected | Returns the value of the Locked property. |
GetMaterialForSorting | protected | |
GetMeshMatrix | protected | Returns the transformation matrix used to fit the 3D object into the TModel3D control. |
GetNamePath | public | Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. |
GetObject | protected | Returns the current control as a TFmxObject. |
GetObservers | protected | Getter of Observers. |
GetOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a component. |
GetParent | protected | Returns the value of the Parent property. |
GetParentComponent | public | Returns the containing component. |
GetTabList | public | |
GetTabStopController | protected | |
GetTypeInfo | protected | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | protected | Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). |
GetVisible | protected | Returns the value of the Visible property. |
HasHint | protected | Returns True if the control has an available hint to display. |
HasParent | public | Verifies whether the component has a parent. |
IgnoreBindingName | protected | |
IgnoreBooleanValue | protected | |
IgnoreFloatValue | protected | |
IgnoreIdentValue | protected | |
IgnoreIntegerValue | protected | |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitiateAction | protected | Calls the action link's Update method if the control is associated with an action link. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InsertComponent | public | Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. |
InsertObject | public | Adds the object provided in the parameter to the FChildren TList of this object (self), at the specified position (index). |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
Invoke | protected | Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. |
IsChild | public | Returns True if the specified object is a child. |
IsImplementorOf | public | Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. |
ItemClass | public | Deprecated. Do not use in applications. |
KeyDown | protected | OnKeyDown event dispatcher. |
KeyUp | protected | OnKeyUp event dispatcher. |
Loaded | protected | |
LocalToAbsolute3D | public | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local space to the absolute 3D space. |
LocalToAbsoluteDirection | public | |
LocalToAbsoluteVector | public | Transforms a vector from local space to global space and returns the transformed vector. |
LocalToScreen | protected | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local space to the screen space. |
Lock | public | Sets Locked to True for this 3D control and all its children. |
MatrixChanged | protected | Is invoked each time the rotation angles change and there is a need to recalculate the affine transform matrix of this 3D control. |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
MouseClick | protected | |
MouseDown | protected | OnMouseDown event dispatcher. |
MouseDown3D | protected | Internally called by MouseDown to fire an OnMouseDown event. |
MouseMove | protected | OnMouseMove event dispatcher. |
MouseMove3D | protected | Internally called by MouseMove to fire an OnMouseMove event. |
MouseUp | protected | OnMouseUp event dispatcher. |
MouseUp3D | protected | Internally called by MouseUp to fire an OnMouseUp event. |
MouseWheel | protected | Processes mouse wheel motion. |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
Notification | protected | |
ObjectAtPoint | protected | Returns the object located at the given coordinates. |
ObserverAdded | protected | |
operator () | public | |
PaintToBitmap | public | Paints this 3D control to a TBitmap. |
PaletteCreated | protected | Responds when the component is created from the component palette. |
ParentChanged | protected | Notification method called after the parent is changed. |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
QueryInterface | protected | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the current component supports that interface. |
RayCastIntersect | public | Returns whether the ray casted intersects with the 3D control. |
ReadState | protected | Reads the state of the component. |
RebuildMesh | protected | Recalculates and rebuilds the 3D mesh (wireframe) that is the skeleton of this 3D cone. |
RebuildRenderingList | protected | |
RecalcAbsolute | protected | Sets the value of the FRecalcAbsolute field for the 3D control and all its children. |
RecalcHasEffect | protected | |
RecalcOpacity | protected | Sets the value of the FRecalcOpacity field for this 3D control and all its children. |
ReferenceInterface | public | Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. |
Release | public | Marks this TFmxObject object for delayed deletion. |
ReleaseCapture | protected | Releases the capture that was already taking place. |
Released | public | Returns True if this object has been released from memory. |
RemoveComponent | public | Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. |
RemoveFreeNotification | public | Disables the destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification. |
RemoveFreeNotifications | protected | Notifies all owned components of the owner component's imminent destruction. |
RemoveFreeNotify | public | Removes the given object from the free notifications list. |
RemoveFromResourcePool | protected | |
RemoveObject | public | Removes a children object from its parent. |
Render | protected | |
RenderChildren | protected | Renders all the 3D child controls of this 3D object. |
RenderHelper | protected | |
RenderInternal | public | |
RenderTo | protected | |
Repaint | public | Forces the control to re-render. |
ResetChildrenIndices | protected | |
ResetChildrenIndicesSpan | protected | |
ResetRotationAngle | public | Resets the rotation angle on all three axes to 0. |
Resize3D | protected | Virtual method to be implemented in subclasses to handle the 3D resize event. For internal use only. |
RotateXChanged | protected | Event handler for OnChangeX events. |
RotateYChanged | protected | Event handler for OnChangeY events. |
RotateZChanged | protected | Event handler for OnChangeZ events. |
RotationChanged | protected | |
SafeCallException | public | Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. |
ScreenToLocal | protected | Transforms and returns a specified point from the screen space to the local space. |
SearchInto | protected | |
SendChildToBack | public | |
SendToBack | public | Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it. |
SetAcceptsControls | protected | Sets the value of the AcceptsControls property. |
SetAncestor | protected | Clears or sets csAncestor state in the component's ComponentState property. |
SetChildOrder | protected | Sets the visual ordering of a child control. |
SetData | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Data property. |
SetDepth | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Depth property. |
SetDesign | public | Sets the csDesigning in TComponentState. Used internally by the IDE. |
SetDesigning | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDesignInstance | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDragMode | protected | Protected setter implementation for the DragMode property. |
SetFocus | public | Sets the focus to this 3D control. |
SetHeight | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Height property. |
SetInline | protected | Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property. |
SetName | protected | Sets the value of the Name property. |
SetNewViewport | public | Assigns a new viewport to this 3D control. |
SetParent | protected | |
SetParentComponent | protected | |
SetProjection | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Projection property. |
SetRoot | public | Sets the Root property of each child in the children list. |
SetSize | public | Sets the three dimensions of this 3D control at once. |
SetSubComponent | public | Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. |
SetVisible | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Visible property. |
SetWidth | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Width property. |
ShowContextMenu | protected | Is intended to display the context menu of this control on a specified screen point. |
ShowInDesigner | public | |
Sort | public | Sorts the children in the children list using the specified sorting procedure. |
StopPropertyAnimation | public | Stops the animation of the specified property of this FMX object. |
SupportsPlatformService | protected | |
Tap | protected | |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
UpdateAction | public | Updates the state of an action. |
Updated | protected | Clears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating. |
UpdateRegistry | protected | Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. |
Updating | protected | Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. |
ValidateContainer | protected | Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. |
ValidateInsert | protected | Provides the interface for a method that validates a child component before it is inserted. |
ValidateRename | protected | Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create a name conflict. |
WrapModeChanged | protected | This method raises when the wrap mode changes. |
WriteState | protected | Writes the state of the component. |