function CompleteMultipartUpload(const BucketName, ObjectName, UploadId: string; Parts: TList<TAmazonMultipartPart>; ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil; const BucketRegion: TAmazonRegion = amzrNotSpecified): Boolean;
bool __fastcall CompleteMultipartUpload(const System::UnicodeString BucketName, const System::UnicodeString ObjectName, const System::UnicodeString UploadId, System::Generics::Collections::TList__1<TAmazonMultipartPart>* Parts, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0), const System::UnicodeString BucketRegion = System::UnicodeString());
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI.pas Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI.hpp |
Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI | TAmazonStorageService |
Completes the given multipart upload, committing the specified parts.
Use CompleteMultipartUpload to complete the given multipart upload, committing the specified parts.
The method returns True if successful, and False otherwise.
The following table shows the significance of the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
The name of the bucket the object is in. |
The object the multipart upload is done for. |
The multipart upload's unique ID. |
The optional class for storing response info into. |