Defines classes that implement functionality to work with SQL blob streams, data links, connections, SQL datasets, monitors, queries, server methods and stored procedures, SQL tables, and more.
Package | dbexpress270.bpl |
SPParamDesc | SPParamDesc describes a parameter to a stored procedure that is accessed using dbExpress. |
TConnectionData | Class used to hold information about the connection. |
TCustomSQLDataSet | TCustomSQLDataSet is the base class for all dbExpress dataset components. |
TFieldList | TFieldList is an alias for the System.Classes.TList class. |
TFLDDesc | Field description wrapper. |
TSQLBlobStream | TSQLBlobStream lets applications read from or write to BLOB fields in a client dataset. |
TSQLConnection | TSQLConnection encapsulates a dbExpress connection to a database server. |
TSQLDataLink | TSQLDataLink allows a unidirectional dataset act as the detail in a master/detail relationship. |
TSQLDataSet | TSQLDataSet represents data retrieved using dbExpress. |
TSQLMonitor | TSQLMonitor intercepts messages that pass between an SQL connection component and a database server and saves them in a string list. |
TSQLQuery | TSQLQuery represents a query that is executed using dbExpress. |
TSqlServerMethod | TDataSet to call DataSnap server methods and retrieve results from them. |
TSQLStoredProc | TSQLStoredProc represents a stored procedure that is executed using dbExpress. |
TSQLTable | TSQLTable represents a database table that is accessed using dbExpress. |
TTransactionItem (deprecated) | Class used for managing SQL transactions. |
FreeProcParams | Frees a list of procedure parameters that is allocated by GetProcedureParams. |
GetConnectionNames | Populates a string list with the names of all the available connections. |
GetConnectionRegistryFile | Fills a string with the content of the connection registry file. |
GetDelegateDriverNames | Populates a string list with the names of drivers for the delegate connections. |
GetDisplayDriverName | |
GetDisplayDriverNames | |
GetDriverNames | Populates a string list with the names of all available dbExpress drivers. |
GetDriverRegistryFile | Fills a string with the content of the driver registry file. |
LoadParamListItems | Fills a TParams object with information from a list of parameter descriptors. |
RegisterDriver | |
UnregisterDriver |
EConnectFlag | Represents a connection flag. |
SQLResult | SQLResult is the return type for dbExpress function calls. |
TConnectionState | TConnectionState describes the state of a TSQLConnection component. |
TConnectionUserType | Enumeration for user type connections. |
TFieldDescList | Array of TFLDDesc. |
TGetDriverFunc | C++ implementation for getting the driver's functions. |
TLocale | TLocale is an alias for the Pointer type. |
TLocaleCode | TLocaleCode identifies a locale, which imposes a sort order on data. |
TParseInsertSqlEvent | C++ definition of the ParseInsertSql event. |
TParseSqlEvent | C++ definition for parse SQL events of TCustomSQLDataSet. |
TProcParamList | |
TSchemaType | TSchemaType and TSchemaInfo describe schema information (metadata) to access using dbXpress. |
TSQLConnectionLoginEvent | C++ definition of the OnLogin event. |
TSQLExceptionType | TSQLExceptionType indicates the type of operation that leads to an ESQLException exception. |
TSQLSchemaInfo | Record that indicates whether the dataset represents metadata from the server, and, if so, what kind. |
TTableScope | Indicates the types of tables for which to fetch metadata. |
TTableScopes | Set of TTableScope that indicates the types of tables for which to fetch metadata. |
TTraceEvent | C++ definition of the OnTrace event. |
TTraceLogEvent | C++ definition of the OnLogTrace event. |
TTransactionDesc | Transaction description record. |
TTransIsolationLevel | This enumerated type (in C++) or type (in Delphi) identifies degree to which transactions are isolated from each other. |
BlobTypeMap | Maps the blob fields types. |
DataTypeMap | Maps the TDBXDataTypes into a FldTypeMap. |
FldSubTypeMap | Maps the field's subtypes. |
FldTypeMap | Maps the field's types. |
DefaultCursor | DefaultCursor: Integer = 0; |
DefaultMaxBlobSize | DefaultMaxBlobSize: Integer = $FFFFFFFF; |
DefaultRowsetSize | DefaultRowsetSize: Integer = $14; |
eSQLAutoIncr | eSQLAutoIncr: Integer = 4; |
eSQLDefault | eSQLDefault: Integer = 8; |
eSQLFunction | eSQLFunction: Integer = 2; |
eSQLLocal | eSQLLocal: Integer = $20; |
eSQLNonUnique | eSQLNonUnique: Integer = 1; |
eSQLPackage | eSQLPackage: Integer = 4; |
eSQLPrimaryKey | eSQLPrimaryKey: Integer = 4; |
eSQLProcedure | eSQLProcedure: Integer = 1; |
eSQLRowId | eSQLRowId: Integer = 1; |
eSQLRowVersion | eSQLRowVersion: Integer = 2; |
eSQLSynonym | eSQLSynonym: Integer = 8; |
eSQLSysProcedure | eSQLSysProcedure: Integer = 8; |
eSQLSystemTable | eSQLSystemTable: Integer = 4; |
eSQLTable | eSQLTable: Integer = 1; |
eSQLTempTable | eSQLTempTable: Integer = $10; |
eSQLUnique | eSQLUnique: Integer = 2; |
eSQLView | eSQLView: Integer = 2; |
HourGlassCursor | HourGlassCursor: Integer = $FFFFFFF5; |
SAnd | SAnd: string = and; |
SOrderBy | SOrderBy: string = order by; |
SParam | SParam: Char = $3F; |
SSelect | SSelect: string = select; |
SSelectSpaces | SSelectSpaces: string = select; |
SSelectStar | SSelectStar: string = select *; |
SSelectStarFrom | SSelectStarFrom: string = select * from; |
SUB_TYPE_MEMO | SUB_TYPE_MEMO: Integer = $16; |
SWhere | SWhere: string = where; |
TErrorMessageSize | TErrorMessageSize: Integer = $800; |