FMX.ListBox.TListBox Methods
_AddRef | protected | Called when an application uses a component interface. |
_Release | protected | Called when an application releases a component interface. |
AbsoluteToLocal | public | Translates coordinated of the specified Point from an global perspective to a local coordinates of this control. |
AbsoluteToLocalVector | public | Transforms and returns a specified vector from the absolute perspective to the local perspective. |
ActionChange | protected | Specifies the behavior of a TControl control when Action changes. |
AddFreeNotify | public | Adds AObject to the list of objects to be notified when this TFmxObject is destroyed. |
AddObject | public | Adds the AObject object to the Children list of children attached to this parent object (self). |
AddObjectsToList | public | Adds the children of this object to the given list. |
AddToResourcePool | protected | |
AdjustFixedSize | protected | Sets the fixed size of the control. |
AdjustSize | protected | Sets the size of the control. |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
AfterDialogKey | protected | |
AfterPaint | protected | |
AncestorParentChanged | protected | Notifies its child controls that the parent of an ancestor of your control has changed. |
AncestorVisibleChanged | protected | Notifies its child controls that the visibility of an ancestor of your control has changed to Visible . |
AnimateColor (deprecated) | public | Creates a TColorAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloat (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatDelay (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
AnimateInt (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TIntAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateIntWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TIntAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
AniMouseDown | protected | |
AniMouseMove | protected | |
AniMouseUp | protected | |
ApplyEffect | protected | Applies effects to the control, if specified. |
ApplyStyle | protected | |
ApplyStyleLookup | public | Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl. |
ApplyTriggerEffect | public | Applies the specified mouse trigger effect to all the children of this FMX object that are of type TEffect. |
Assign | public | Assigns the Source object to the current object. |
AssignTo | protected | Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. |
AsyncSchedule | protected | Schedules asynch method calls. |
BeforeDestruction | public | Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. |
BeforeEffectEnabledChanged | protected | Executed right before the value of the Enabled property of an effect changes, and provides the value of the property before it changes. |
BeginAutoDrag | protected | Begins the drag operation automatically. |
BeginInvoke | public | Performs an asynchronous call to the method specified by either AProc or AFunc . |
BeginUpdate | public | Marks the start of an update session of the control and its children. |
BringChildToFront | public | |
BringToFront | public | Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form. |
BroadcastGesture | protected | |
CanObserve | protected | |
CanRepaint | protected | |
CanShowHint | protected | |
Capture | protected | Saves the control that currently captures all the mouse messages. |
Center | public | Scrolls to the center of the TScrollBox control. |
ChangeChildren | protected | |
ChangeName | protected | Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName . |
ChangeOrder | protected | |
CheckDisposed | protected | |
CheckForAllowFocus | protected | Verifies whether the current control can receive focus. |
CheckHitTest | protected | |
ChildrenAlignChanged | protected | Executed when the alignment of the children of the control changes. |
ChooseAdjustType | protected | Returns an adjust type based on the provided FixedSize . |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
Clear | public | Deletes all the items from the list. |
ClearSelection | public | Deselects all the selected items from the list box. |
Click | protected | Responds to user clicks, key pressing, and input on touch devices (gestures). |
ClientHeight | public | Specifies the height of the scroll box's client area (in pixels). |
ClientWidth | public | Specifies the width of the scroll box's client area (in pixels). |
ClipChildrenChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the ClipChildren property changes. |
Clone | public | Returns a new cloned instance of this FMX object. |
CMGesture | protected | |
CompareItems | protected | Compares the given items. |
ContainsObject | public | Returns True if the specified object is a direct child. |
ContentAddObject | protected | |
ContentBeforeRemoveObject | protected | |
ContentInsertObject | protected | |
ContentRect | protected | Returns the rectangle that defines the scrolling area. |
ContentRemoveObject | protected | |
Create | public | |
CreateAniCalculations | protected | Constructs a TScrollCalculations type object in which you can set properties and calculate parameters of the inertial scrolling. |
CreateChildrenList | protected | |
CreateScrollContent | protected | |
DblClick | protected | Responds to user double-clicks. |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
DefineProperties | protected | |
DeleteChildren | public | Deletes all the children of this FMX object. |
Destroy | public | |
DestroyComponents | public | Destroys all owned components. |
Destroying | public | Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. |
DialogKey | protected | Processes a dialog key. |
Disappear | protected | |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DispatchStringsChangeEvent | protected | |
DisposeOf | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoAbsoluteChanged | protected | |
DoActionChange | protected | TBasicAction.OnChange event dispatcher. |
DoActionClientChanged | protected | |
DoActivate | protected | |
DoAddObject | protected | |
DoApplyStyleLookup | protected | Executed internally each time ApplyStyleLookup is called for this TStyledControl object. |
DoBeginUpdate | protected | |
DoCalcContentBounds | protected | |
DoChange | protected | |
DoChangeCheck | protected | Generates an OnChangeCheck event. |
DoContentPaint | protected | Executes internally to render the content of the list box. |
DoDeactivate | protected | Dispatcher of the OnDeactivate event. |
DoDeleteChildren | protected | |
DoEndUpdate | protected | |
DoEnter | protected | |
DoExit | protected | |
DoGesture | protected | Processes the unhandled gesturing events. |
DoGetUpdateRect | protected | |
DoInsertObject | protected | |
DoMatrixChanged | protected | |
DoMouseEnter | protected | OnMouseEnter event dispatcher. |
DoMouseLeave | protected | |
DoPaint | protected | Processes the painting of the control. |
DoRealign | protected | |
DoRealignContent | protected | Changes the bounding rectangle of the content of the control to the specified rectangle, and realigns its child controls accordingly. |
DoRemoveObject | protected | |
DoResized | protected | |
DoRootChanged | protected | |
DoRootChanging | protected | |
DoSetHeight (deprecated) | protected | |
DoSetSize | protected | |
DoSetWidth (deprecated) | protected | |
DoStyleChanged | protected | Indicates that the control needs to update the style and calls Repaint. |
DoUpdateAniCalculations | protected | Sets the default inertial scrolling properties for the current platform. |
DragChange | public | Generates an OnDragChange event. |
DragDrop | protected | |
DragEnd | protected | OnDragEnd event dispatcher. |
DragEnter | protected | OnDragEnter event dispatcher. |
DragLeave | protected | OnDragLeave event dispatcher. |
DragOver | protected | |
DrawDesignBorder | protected | |
EffectEnabledChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Enabled property of an effect changes, and provides the new value of the property. |
EnabledChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Enabled property changes. |
EnabledStored | protected | |
EndFunctionInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndUpdate | public | Marks the end of an update session of the control and its children. |
EndUpdateNoChanges | protected | |
EnterChildren | protected | Checks whether the input is taken by the control or by its parent. |
EnumControls (deprecated) | public | Loops through the controls that are children of this control, and runs the specified procedure once per control, with a different control as the first parameter in each call. |
EnumObjects | public | Loops through the children of this object, and runs the specified procedure once per object as the first parameter in each call. |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
Exchange | public | Exchanges two objects from the children list. |
ExecuteAction | public | Executes an action. |
ExitChildren | protected | |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
FillTextFlags | protected | Returns the filling direction of the control's text. |
FindAndCloneStyleResource | public | Finds the specified resource object and makes a copy. |
FindComponent | public | Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. |
FindStyleResource | public | Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name. |
FindTarget | protected | Returns the target control. |
FirstSelectedItemFrom | public | |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
FreeNotification | protected | |
FreeOnRelease | public | Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. |
FreeStyle | protected | |
GenerateStyleName | protected | Generates a style lookup name based on the provided AClassName . |
GetAbsoluteEnabled | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteEnabled property. |
GetAbsoluteMatrix | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteMatrix property. |
GetAbsoluteOpacity | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteOpacity property. |
GetAbsoluteRect | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteRect property. |
GetAbsoluteScale | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteScale property. |
GetAcceptsControls | protected | Getter function for the AcceptsControls property. |
GetActionLinkClass | protected | |
GetAdjustSizeValue | protected | |
GetAdjustType | protected | |
GetAlign | protected | Getter function for the Align property. |
GetAllowAlign | protected | Getter function for the AllowAlign property. |
GetAnchorMove | protected | Getter function for the AnchorMove property. |
GetAnchorOrigin | protected | Getter function for the AnchorOrigin property. |
GetAnchorRules | protected | Getter function for the AnchorRules property. |
GetAnchors | protected | Getter function for the Anchors property. |
GetBackIndex | protected | Gets the index of TStyledControl. |
GetBorderHeight | protected | |
GetBoundsRect | protected | Getter function for the BoundsRect property. |
GetCanFocus | protected | |
GetCanParentFocus | protected | |
GetChildOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildParent | protected | Returns the parent or, if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildren | protected | |
GetChildrenMatrix | protected | Returns the children transformation matrix. |
GetChildrenRect | protected | Getter function for the ChildrenRect property. |
GetClipRect | protected | Getter function for the ClipRect property. |
GetContainerHeight | protected | Getter function for the ContainerHeight property. |
GetContainerWidth | protected | Getter function for the ContainerWidth property. |
GetContentBounds | protected | Returns the boundaries of the rectangle that defines the scrolling area. |
GetControls | protected | |
GetData | protected | Gets the text of the selected item. |
GetDefaultSize | protected | |
GetDefaultStyleLookupName | protected | Protected getter implementation for the DefaultStyleLookupName property. |
GetDefaultTouchTargetExpansion | protected | |
GetDeltaStreams | protected | |
GetDesignInteractive | protected | Getter function for the DesignInteractive property. |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetDragMode | protected | Getter function for the DragMode property. |
GetEffectsRect | protected | Returns the rectangle occupied by the effects applied over the control. |
GetEnumerator | public | Returns a TComponent enumerator. |
GetFirstControlWithGesture | protected | |
GetFirstControlWithGestureEngine | protected | |
GetFirstSelect | protected | Getter for the FirstSelectedItem property. |
GetFirstVisibleObjectIndex | protected | |
GetHasClipParent | protected | |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetHeight | protected | Getter function for the Height property. |
GetHintObject | protected | Returns the custom hint object that manages the hint display. |
GetHintString | protected | Returns the text of the hint. |
GetHitTest | protected | Getter function for the HitTest property. |
GetIDsOfNames | protected | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetItemIndex | protected | Returns the index of the currently selected item. |
GetLastVisibleObjectIndex | protected | |
GetLeft | protected | Getter function for the Left property. |
GetListOfInteractiveGestures | protected | |
GetLocalRect | protected | Getter function for the LocalRect property. |
GetLocked | protected | Getter function for the Locked property. |
GetMargins | protected | Getter function for the Margins property. |
GetNamePath | public | Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. |
GetObject | protected | Returns the current control as a TFmxObject. |
GetObservers | protected | Getter of Observers. |
GetOriginalParentSize | protected | Getter function for the OriginalParentSize property. |
GetOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a component. |
GetPadding | protected | Getter function for the Padding property. |
GetParent | protected | |
GetParentClassStyleLookupName | protected | Getter for the ParentClassStyleLookupName property. |
GetParentComponent | public | Returns the containing component. |
GetParentedRect (deprecated) | protected | Getter function for the ParentedRect property. |
GetParentedVisible | protected | Returns the value of the ParentedVisible property. |
GetPopupMenu | protected | |
GetResourceControl | protected | Returns the style resource for this control as TControl. |
GetResourceLink | protected | Returns the style resource for this control as TFmxObject. |
GetScrollingBehaviours | protected | |
GetStyleContext | protected | Returns context for behavior manager. |
GetStyleObject | protected | Gets the style resource object linked to TStyledControl. |
GetTabList | public | |
GetTabListClass | protected | |
GetTabStopController | protected | |
GetTop | protected | Getter function for the Top property. |
GetTypeInfo | protected | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | protected | Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). |
GetUpdateRect | protected | Getter function for the UpdateRect property. |
GetVisible | protected | Getter function for the Visible property. |
GetWidth | protected | Getter function for the Width property. |
HandleSizeChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Size property changes. |
HasHint | protected | Returns True if the control has an available hint to display. |
HasParent | public | Verifies whether the component has a parent. |
Hide | protected | |
HitTestChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the HitTest property changes. |
HScrollBarValue | protected | Returns the position of the horizontal scroll bar. |
HScrollChange | protected | Internally called when the horizontal scroll bar changes position. |
IgnoreBindingName | protected | |
IgnoreBooleanValue | protected | |
IgnoreFloatValue | protected | |
IgnoreIdentValue | protected | |
IgnoreIntegerValue | protected | |
ImagesChanged | protected | Should be called when the component needs to redraw the image. |
Inflate | public | |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitiateAction | protected | Calls the action link's Update method if the control is associated with an action link. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InsertComponent | public | Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. |
InsertObject | public | Adds the object provided in the parameter to the FChildren TList of this object (self), at the specified position (index). |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
InvalidateContentSize | public | |
InvalidateRect | public | Adds a rectangle to the update region of the scene. |
InViewRect | public | Internally used. |
Invoke | protected | Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. |
IsAddToContent | protected | |
IsChild | public | Returns True if the specified object is a child. |
IsControlRectEmpty | protected | Returns True if the control rect is empty. |
IsHeightStored (deprecated) | protected | |
IsHelpContextStored | protected | Specifies whether HelpContext is stored. |
IsImplementorOf | public | Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. |
IsOpaque | protected | |
IsPositionStored | protected | |
IsSizeStored | protected | |
IsUpdating | public | Returns True if this control is in the middle of one or more update sessions. |
IsWidthStored (deprecated) | protected | |
ItemByIndex | public | Returns the item at the index specified by Idx . |
ItemByPoint | public | Returns the item at the specified point. |
ItemsExchange | public | |
KeyDown | protected | |
KeyUp | protected | OnKeyUp event dispatcher. |
KillResourceLink | protected | |
LastSelectedItemFrom | public | |
Loaded | protected | |
LocalToAbsolute | public | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local perspective to the absolute perspective. |
LocalToAbsoluteVector | public | Transforms and returns a specified vector from the local perspective to the absolute perspective. |
LocalToScreen | protected | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local perspective to the screen perspective. |
Lock | public | Locks the current control, so it cannot be changed at design time. |
LookupStyleObject | public | Looks for the style resource object linked to the TStyledControl. |
MakeScreenshot | public | Takes and returns a screenshot of the control. |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
MouseClick | protected | |
MouseDown | protected | |
MouseMove | protected | |
MouseUp | protected | |
MouseWheel | protected | Internally executed while the mouse wheel is used over the surface of this scroll box. |
Move | protected | |
NeedStyleLookup | public | Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup. |
NeedUpdateEffects | protected | |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
Notification | protected | |
NotifyInflated | public | |
ObjectAtPoint | protected | Returns the control in which a specified point can be found. |
ObjectState (deprecated) | public | Describes the current state of the object. |
ObserverAdded | protected | |
operator () | public | |
PaddingChanged | protected | Applies the padding |
Paint | protected | |
PaintChildren | protected | Renders the child controls. |
Painting | protected | |
PaintInternal | protected | |
PaintTo | public | Paints the current control to a specified canvas. |
PaletteCreated | protected | Responds when the component is created from the component palette. |
ParentChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Parent property changes. |
PointInObject | public | Checks whether the point, specified by the absolute coordinates, belongs to the control area. |
PointInObjectLocal | public | Checks whether the point specified by local coordinates belongs to the control area. |
PrepareForPaint | public | |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
QueryInterface | protected | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the current component supports that interface. |
ReadState | protected | Reads the state of the component. |
Realign | protected | Performs the realignment of the control's children within itself. |
RealignContent | public | Realigns the children controls of this scroll box in the scrolling area of this scroll box. |
RealUpdateGroups | protected | |
RecalcAbsolute | public | Forces the current control to recalculate the AbsoluteMatrix property. |
RecalcAbsoluteNow | public | Recalculates AbsoluteMatrix. |
RecalcEnabled | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its enabled state. |
RecalcHasClipParent | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its HasClipParent property. |
RecalcHasEffect | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its HasEffect property. |
RecalcOpacity | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its Opacity property. |
RecalcSize | public | |
RecalcUpdateRect | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its UpdateRect property. |
RecycleResourceLink | protected | |
ReferenceInterface | public | Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. |
Release (deprecated) | public | Marks this TFmxObject object for delayed deletion. |
ReleaseCapture | protected | Prevents the control from currently capturing all the mouse messages. |
Released (deprecated) | public | Returns True if this object has been released from memory. |
RemoveComponent | public | Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. |
RemoveFreeNotification | public | Disables the destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification. |
RemoveFreeNotifications | protected | Notifies all owned components of the owner component's imminent destruction. |
RemoveFreeNotify | public | Removes the given object from the free notifications list. |
RemoveFromResourcePool | protected | |
RemoveObject | public | Removes a children object from its parent. |
Repaint | public | Forces the control to repaint its image on the screen. |
RepaintJointArea | class protected | |
RepaintRect | protected | |
RequestStyleData | protected | Requests the value of the StylesData property of the style object. |
ResetChildrenIndices | protected | |
ResetChildrenIndicesSpan | protected | |
ResetFocus | public | Removes the focus from a control |
Resize | protected | OnResize event dispatcher. |
SafeCallException | public | Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. |
ScreenToLocal | protected | Transforms and returns a specified point from the screen perspective to the local perspective. |
ScrollBy | public | Scrolls the view according to the given Dx and Dy offsets (relative to the current position) in the TScrollBox control. |
ScrollTo (deprecated) | public | ScrollTo simply calls ScrollBy. |
ScrollToItem | public | Scrolls the content so that the Item is visible. |
SearchInto | protected | |
SelectAll | public | Selects all the items in the list. |
SelectRange | public | Selects all the items between two given items. |
SendChildToBack | public | |
SendToBack | public | Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it. |
SetAcceptsControls | protected | Setter function for the AcceptsControls property. |
SetAdjustSizeValue | protected | |
SetAdjustType | protected | |
SetAlign | protected | Setter function for the Align property. |
SetAncestor | protected | Clears or sets csAncestor state in the component's ComponentState property. |
SetAnchorMove | protected | Setter function for the AnchorMove property. |
SetAnchors | protected | Setter function for the Anchors property. |
SetBounds | public | Sets the boundaries of the current control. |
SetBoundsRect | protected | Setter function for the BoundsRect property. |
SetChildOrder | protected | Sets the visual ordering of a child control. |
SetData | protected | Sets the text of the selected item. |
SetDesign | public | Sets the csDesigning in TComponentState. Used internally by the IDE. |
SetDesigning | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDesignInstance | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDragMode | protected | Setter function for the DragMode property. |
SetEnabled | protected | Setter of Enabled. |
SetFocus | public | Sets the focus to the current control, if CanFocus is True. |
SetGroupingKind | protected | The setter for the GroupingKind property. |
SetHeight | protected | Setter function for the Height property. |
SetHelpContext | protected | Setter method for the HelpContext property. |
SetHelpKeyword | protected | Setter method for the HelpKeyword property. |
SetHint | protected | Setter for the Hint property. |
SetInline | protected | Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property. |
SetInPaintTo | protected | Sets the InPaintTo property. |
SetItemIndex | protected | Sets the index of the selected item in the list. |
SetLeft | protected | Setter function for the Left property. |
SetName | protected | Sets the value of the Name property. |
SetNewScene | public | Sets a new Scene for the current control. |
SetParent | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Parent property. |
SetParentComponent | protected | |
SetPopupMenu | protected | Setter function for the PopupMenu property. |
SetRoot | public | Sets the Root property of each child in the children list. |
SetSize | protected | |
SetSubComponent | public | Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. |
SetTop | protected | Setter function for the Top property. |
SetVisible | protected | Setter function for the Visible property. |
SetWidth | protected | Setter function for the Width property. |
ShouldTestMouseHits | public | Indicates whether a control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint. |
Show | protected | |
ShowContextMenu | protected | Displays the PopupMenu context menu of this control on the specified ScreenPosition screen point. |
ShowInDesigner | public | |
Sort | public | |
SortItems | protected | Sorts the items in the list box. |
StartTriggerAnimation | public | |
StartTriggerAnimationWait | public | |
StopPropertyAnimation | public | Stops the animation of the specified property of this FMX object. |
StyleDataChanged | protected | |
StyleLookupChanged | protected | |
SupportsPaintStage | protected | |
SupportsPlatformService | protected | |
Tap | protected | Called when the Tap gesture on the style presentation is recognized. |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
TouchManager | protected | |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
UpdateAction | public | Updates the state of an action. |
UpdateAnchorRules | protected | |
UpdateAniCalculations | protected | Initializes the inertial scrolling and sets its properties. |
Updated | protected | |
UpdateEffects | public | Updates the effects of the current control and of the control's parent. |
UpdateExplicitBounds | protected | Updates the explicit bounds' properties of the control. |
UpdateGroups | protected | |
UpdateRegistry | protected | Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. |
UpdateSelection | protected | Updates the items that are selected in the list box. |
UpdateStickyHeader | protected | Updates the layout of the "sticky" item in a list box. |
UpdateVisibleItems | protected | |
Updating | protected | Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. |
ValidateContainer | protected | Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. |
ValidateInsert | protected | Provides the interface for a method that validates a child component before it is inserted. |
ValidateRename | protected | Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create a name conflict. |
ViewportPositionChange | protected | Executed when the viewport position changes. |
VisibleChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Visible property changes. |
VisibleStored | protected | Returns True when the Visible property needs to be stored in the fmx-file. |
VScrollBarValue | protected | Returns the position of the vertical scroll bar. |
VScrollChange | protected | Internally called when the vertical scroll bar changes position. |
WriteState | protected | Writes the state of the component. |