Package | vcl270.bpl |
EInvalidGridOperation | EInvalidGridOperation is the exception class for illegal grid operations. |
TCustomDrawGrid | TCustomDrawGrid is the base class for grids that publish events for painting and manipulating the cells in the grid. |
TCustomGrid | TCustomGrid is the base type for all components that present information in a two-dimensional grid. |
TDrawGrid | TDrawGrid represents a grid control that displays information in column and row format. |
TInplaceEdit | TInplaceEdit provides text editing capabilities for grid controls. |
TInplaceEditList | Provides the ability to drop down a pick list of possible values or to display an ellipsis button that will invoke user code in an event in order to bring up a modal dialog. |
TStringGrid | TStringGrid represents a grid control designed to simplify the handling of strings and associated objects. |
TStringGridStrings | TStringGridStrings maintains a list of the strings that appear in the cells of a string grid. |
TDrawCellEvent | Function type for OnDrawCell event. |
TEditStyle | TEditStyle indicates whether a cell in a grid contains a drop-down arrow or ellipsis button. |
TFixedCellClickEvent | TFixedCellClickEvent is the procedural type used for OnFixedCellClick events. |
TGetEditEvent | TGetEditEvent is the type of the event handlers that provide strings for the inplace editor of a grid. |
TGetExtentsFunc | TGetExtentsFunc is an internal type. |
TGridAxisDrawInfo | TGridAxisDrawInfo and TGridDrawInfo represent information that is useful when rendering a grid. |
TGridCoord | TGridCoord specifies a cell in a grid control. |
TGridDrawInfo | Contains information about the axes, useful when rendering a grid. |
TGridDrawingStyle | Enumerates the possible styles used to draw a grid control. |
TGridDrawState | TGridDrawState represents information useful when rendering the cell of a grid. |
TGridMovement | TGridMovement indicates the user actions that change the position of a grid item. |
TGridOption | Enumerates the options used to customize the appearance and behavior of a grid control. |
TGridOptions | TGridOptions is a set of options used to customize the appearance and behavior of a grid control. |
TGridRect | TGridRect specifies a set of cells that occupy a rectangular region in a grid control. |
TGridScrollDirection | TGridScrollDirection indicates the direction in which to scroll the cells of a grid control. |
TGridState | TGridState indicates any user actions that are currently changing the layout of the grid. |
THotTrackCellInfo | Specifies information associated with a hot-track event. |
TMovedEvent | Procedural type used for the OnColumnMoved and OnRowMoved events. |
TOnGetPickListItems | Type of events used for populating a pick list. |
TSelectCellEvent | TSelectCellEvent is the type of the event handlers that occur before a cell in the grid is selected. |
TSetEditEvent | TSetEditEvent is the type of the event handlers that assign strings to a cell in a grid. |
Vcl_Grids |
MaxCustomExtents | MaxCustomExtents: Integer = $7FFFFFF; |
MaxGridSize | MaxGridSize: Integer = $7FFFFFF; |
MaxShortInt | MaxShortInt: Integer = $7F; |