dbExpress Connection Migration (FireDAC)

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Go Up to Migrating dbExpress Applications to FireDAC

RAD Studio does not migrate dbExpress connection parameters automatically.

You need to modify the connection parameters for your application. To do so, choose the corresponding FireDAC database driver and review its parameters. To modify the drivers parameters of your application for FireDAC, use the table in dbExpress to FireDAC parameters translation.

dbExpress Driver Names and the Corresponding FireDAC Drivers

The following table lists dbExpress driver names and corresponding FireDAC driver identifiers:

dbExpress DriverName FireDAC DriverID Comment
ASE ODBC FireDAC does not have Adaptive Server Enterprise native driver.
Use FireDAC ODBC Bridge driver instead.
DataSnap DS
Firebird FB
Informix Infx
Interbase IB
Oracle Ora
SQLite SQLite

dbExpress Driver Parameters and Equivalents in FireDAC

The following table lists the dBExpress driver parameters and the equivalent parameter in FireDAC.

dbExpress Parameter FireDAC Parameter Comment
BlobSize -- Not applicable. FireDAC does not limit the size of a fetched BLOB value.
CommitRetain -- Use TFDConnection Commit or CommitRetaining, Rollback or RollbackRetaining methods.
Compressed Compress
ConnectionString ODBCAdvanced
ConnectTimeout LoginTimeout
Database Database
Decimal Separator -- Not applicable. FireDAC automatically detects the server side decimal separator value.
DriverName DriverID FireDAC uses different identifiers (see this table for more information).
DriverAssemblyLoader -- Not applicable.
DriverPackageLoader -- Not applicable.
DriverUnit -- Not applicable.
Encrypted UseSSL
ErrorResourceFile -- Not applicable.
FailIfMissing=True|False OpenMode=<set of values> <set of values> depends on a driver. For example, SQLite - CreateUTF8 | CreateUTF16 | ReadWrite | ReadOnly.
GetDriverFunc -- Not applicable.
HostName Server
IsolationLevel -- Use TFDConnection.TxOptions.Isolation or TFDTransaction.Options.Isolation properties to specify default transaction isolation level. See managing transactions for more information.
LibraryName[Xxx] -- Not applicable.
LocaleCode -- Not applicable.
Mars_Connection=True|False MARS=Yes|No
MaxBlobSize -- Not applicable.
MetaDataAssemblyLoader -- Not applicable.
MetaDataPackageLoader -- Not applicable.
Multiple Transaction -- Not applicable. FireDAC always supports multiple and/or nested transactions when a DBMS supports them.
OS Authentication=True|False OSAuthent=Yes|No
Password Password
Port Port
RoleName RoleName
RowsetSize FetchOptions.RowsetSize Default rowset size may be specified as a connection parameter or by assigning a value to TFDConnection.FetchOptions.RowsetSize property.
Prepare SQL ResourceOptions.DirectExecute Default SQL command preparation mode may be specified as a connection parameter or by assigning a value to TFDConnection.ResourceOptions.DirectExecute property.
The "Prepare SQL" and ResourceOptions.DirectExecute values are inversed.
ServerCharSet CharacterSet
SQLDialect SQLDialect
Trim Char FormatOptions.StrsTrim Default characters trimming mode may be specified as a connection parameter or by assigning a value to TFDConnection.FormatOptions.StrsTrim property.
FireDAC trims fixed char values only.
User_Name User_Name
VendorLib[Xxx] -- Use TFDPhysYyyDriverLink.VendorLib property or FDDrivers.ini.
WaitOnLocks UpdateOptions.LockWait Default lock waiting mode may be specified as a connection parameter or by assigning a value to TFDConnection.UpdateOptions.LockWait property.

See Also