Multi-Device Applications Index
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This volume of help describes how to develop, debug, and deploy multi-device (cross-platform) applications using RAD Studio on the Windows platform. In cases where the concepts, procedures, and reference topics are the same for multi-device and native applications, only a link to the original (native) help topic is provided.
- Developing Multi-Device Applications - Overview
- Supported Target Platforms
- FireMonkey Platform Prerequisites
- Requirements for Multi-Device Applications
- Using the RTL in Multi-Device Applications
- Toolchains
- Types of Multi-Device Applications You Can Create
- FireMonkey Application Platform - Multi-Device
- Windows Application Development
- Preparing a Windows Application for Deployment
- 64-bit Windows Application Development
- Prepare Your Development Environment (Win64):
- Write and Run Your Win64 Application:
- Android Mobile Application Development
- Prepare Your Development Environment (Android):
- Write Your Android App:
- Run Your Android App:
- Deploy Your Android App:
- Troubleshoot Your Android App:
- iOS Mobile Application Development
- Prepare Your Development Environment (iOS):
- Working with a Mac and a PC
- Installing Xcode on a Mac
- Installing the Xcode Command Line Tools on a Mac
- Installing the Platform Assistant on a Mac
- Running the Platform Assistant on a Mac
- Adding a macOS or iOS SDK
- Joining the Apple Developer Program
- Acquiring an iOS Developer Certificate
- Provisioning an iOS Application
- Write Your iOS App:
- Run Your iOS App:
- Deploy Your iOS App:
- Troubleshoot Your iOS App:
- Prepare Your Development Environment (iOS):
- MacOS Application Development
- Prepare Your Development Environment (macOS):
- Write and Run Your macOS Application:
- Using the macOS Notification Center
- Multi-Device Database Applications
- DataSnap Connectors for Mobile Devices
- Mobile Tutorials: Mobile Application Development (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Set Up Your Development Environment on the Mac (iOS)
- Mobile Tutorial: Set Up Your Development Environment on Windows PC (iOS)
- Mobile Tutorial: Set Up Your Development Environment on Windows PC (Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Creating an Application for Mobile Platforms (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using a Button Component with Different Styles (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using a Calendar Component to Pick a Date (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Combo Box Components to Pick Items from a List (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using the Web Browser Component (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Tab Components to Display Pages (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using ListBox Components to Display a Table View (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using LiveBindings to Populate a ListBox in Mobile Applications (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Layout to Adjust Different Form Sizes or Orientations (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Taking and Sharing a Picture, and Sharing Text (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Location Sensors (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Notifications (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using Remote Notifications (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using BaaS for Backend Storage (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using FireDAC and SQLite (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Connecting to an Enterprise Database from a Mobile Client (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using FireDAC in Mobile Applications (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using InterBase ToGo with FireDAC (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using InterBase ToGo with dbExpress (iOS and Android)
- Mobile Tutorial: Using dbExpress and SQLite (iOS and Android)
How To Create Multi-Device Applications
- Steps in Creating Multi-Device Applications
- Working with a Mac and a PC
- Connecting Your 32-bit PC to a Win64 PC
- Installing and Running the Platform Assistant (paserver) on the Target Platform
- Creating and Testing a Connection Profile on the Development PC
- Adding a macOS or iOS SDK
- Adding an Android SDK
- Activating and Configuring the Target Platform in the Project Manager
- Compiling and Building Multi-Device Applications
- Debugging Multi-Device Applications
- Deploying Multi-Device Applications
See Also
- Steps in Developing a Project (for information about developing native 32-bit Windows applications)
- Migrating VCL Applications to FireMonkey
- Create a Connection Profile wizard
- Paclient.exe, the Platform Assistant Client Application
- Using the Run-Time Library
- Unit Scope Names
- Deployment Manager
- FireMonkey Quick Start Guide
- Cross Compilers:
- DCC64, the Delphi 64-bit Command Line Compiler
- BCC64, the C++ 64-bit Windows Compiler
- DCCAARM64.EXE, the Delphi Compiler for Android 64-bit
- DCCIOSARM64, the Delphi Compiler for the 64-bit iOS Device
- BCCIOSARM64, the C++ Compiler for the 64-bit iOS Device
- DCCAARM, the Delphi Compiler for Android}}