Diff'ing (Comparing) Versions of a File
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You can use the version control system integration in the History Manager to diff (compare) versions of a file that is under a version control system.
To diff (compare) versions of a file
- In the IDE, open the file that you want to diff. The file should be open in the Code Editor.
- Open the History Manager by clicking the History tab, located at the the lower edge of the Code Editor window. If the file is under the version control system, you will see:
- On the History Manager, click the Differences tab, located at the lower edge of the window.
- The upper pane of the window is now divided into two panes that list the versions of the file. The panes are labeled as:
- Differences From: Select the first version that you want to compare.
- To: Select the second version that you want to compare.
Highlight Colors
The colors used in the highlighting on the Differences tab depend on several options you can set on the Tools > Options > Editor Options > Color dialog box. In the Element dropdown list, select:
- diff addition option sets the color to be used for lines marked with
- diff deletion option sets the color to be used for lines marked with
- diff move option sets the color to be used for lines that have been moved: