Editing Data (FireDAC)
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This section contains a set of articles describing how to use FireDAC to edit the dataset data, post changes to a database, and setup the posting of updates.
Topic | Description |
Changing DataSet Data | FireDAC supports dataset records editing, including automatic updates posting to a database. |
Caching Updates | FireDAC supports the posting of deferred updates, so called Cached Updates. |
Unique Identifying Fields | FireDAC uses unique identifying columns for generating an efficient update and refresh SQL commands. |
Auto-Incremental Fields | FireDAC supports correct appending of the new records with auto-incrementing fields and automatic refresh of the database assigned values. |
Update Command Generation | FireDAC will automatically generate SQL commands to post changes from a dataset to a database, using the obtained meta information for the columns and update table. |
Overriding Posting Updates | FireDAC allows to selectively override the automatically generated update SQL commands by using TFDUpdateSQL or completely override the posting algorithm by using the OnUpdateRecord event handler. |
Specifying Default Values | FireDAC allows to specify default field values for new records. |