Method called on illegally casted object
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A call to a method outside valid memory will cause the Method Called On Illegally Casted Object
error. The following example creates an array of two someclass
objects, but attempts to call the method of the third object; since arrays are zero-based, it accesses uninitialized memory.
#include <tchar.h>
#pragma hdrstop
class someclass{
int fnumber;
int getnumber(){return fnumber;}
void setnumber(int nw){fnumber = nw;}
int doublev(int val){return val*2;}
int publicalval;
void myf()
someclass *myc = new someclass[2];
int answ;
answ = myc[2].doublev(5); // error
delete[] myc;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;