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Go Up to Project Options Dialog Box

Project > Options... > Application > Services

This settings page works only with Android and Firebase.

The setup settings for system/external services used in FMX applications, need the new project settings from Services.

The connection to the Firebase cloud services requires three settings:

1. Google Application Id - The unique identifier of the Android application, which is issued when the application registers in the cloud.

2. Default Sender Id - The unique identifier used to receive and send push messages in the Android application.

3. Default Local Notification Channel Id - Is optional. If you do not specify a channel for this connection, Firebase implementation in FMX automatically creates the channel.

If you want a custom channel Id, you can create it through the TNotificationCenter.CreateChannel.

The notification displays only if it is associated with a channel.

New versions of Android introduce additional requirements for notifications channels

See Also

Firebase Android Support

Project Menu

Project Options Dialog Box