Turbo Assembler Options

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Project > Options > Building > Turbo Assembler

Use this dialog box to set Turbo Assembler options.

For more information about the Turbo Assembler, see the command-line help for TASM32.EXE.

Options Description

Target, Apply, Save

See Target Options.

Common items

See Common Items on Project Options Pages.

Turbo Assembler options Description

Additional switches

Enter any additional switches that you want to use with the Turbo Assembler (TASM32.EXE).

Debug info

Full (/zi) Lets you use all the features of the debugger to step through your program and examine or change data items.

Line numbers only (/zd)* Tells the Turbo Assembler to include line-number records to synchronize source code display and data type information. This is the default.

None (/zn) Disables debug information in the object file.

Display source lines

Displays the source lines with error messages.

Impure code check

Checks for code segment overrides in protected mode. The default is False.

Max symbol length

Sets the maximum length of symbols that Tasm can distinguish between. The minimum number allowed is 12. The default is 12.

Number of passes

Sets the maximum number of assembly passes. This is useful if you want the assembler to remove NOP instructions that were added because of forward references. The default is 1.

Suppress .obj records

Suppresses .obj records not needed for linking. The default is False.

Suppress messages

Suppresses messages if successful. The default is False.

Symbol table size

Sets the maximum number of symbols an assembler file (.ASM) can use. The minimum allowable Hash table capacity is 8,192 bytes. The maximum allowable Hash table capacity is 32,768 bytes. The default is 8192.

Version id

Sets the version emulation to the specified version number. The default is 0.

Code generation options Description

Floating point instructions

Emulated (/e)* Enable emulated floating-point instructions. This is the default.

Real (/r) Enable real floating-point instructions.

Overlay code

Standard (no overlays) (/os)* Creates standard object code without overlays. This is the default.

Standard (TLINK overlays) (/o) Creates standard object code with TLINK overlays.

Phar Lap fixups (/op) Creates object code with Phar Lap overlay-compatible fix-ups.

IBM fixups (/oi) Creates object code with IBM overlay-compatible fix-ups.

Segment ordering

Alphabetic (/a) Orders the segments in alphabetic order.

Sequential (/s)* Orders the segments in the order in which they are encountered. This is the default.

Symbol case sensitivity

Case insensitive (/mu)* Disables case sensitivity; treats symbol names as case-insensitive. This is the default.

Case sensitive (/ml) Treats as uppercase all symbols used within the source file.

Globals case sensitive (/mx) Treats only external and public symbols as case-sensitive.

Listing file options Description

Generate a cross-reference file

Generates an .XRF file. The default is False.

Generate cross-reference in listing file

(/c option) Adds cross-reference information to the symbol table at the end of the listing file. The default is False.

Generate expanded listing

(/la option) Shows all generated code in the listing file. The default is False.

Generate listing file

(/l option) Generates listing and places it in a file with the .LST extension. The default is False.

Include false conditionals in listing file

(/x option) Lists the conditional directives that evaluate to False, as well as the statements inside the conditional block.

Suppress symbol tables in listing file

(/n option) Disables the generation of symbol table information in the listing file.
