User:Alexandrab/What'sNew XE6

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Push Notifications for iOS and Android

The REST BaaS framework allows you to use the Kinvey or Parse BaaS providers in your mobile apps in order to:

  • Create, retrieve, update and delete objects
  • Signup, login, retrieve, update and delete users
  • Upload, download and delete files or streams
  • Query objects and users
  • Send push notifications
  • Register for and receive push notifications on a device

The REST.Backend API units allow you to execute Kinvey or Parse REST API methods. These units declare methods that map directly onto the REST API documented on the Kinvey and Parse web sites. Use these units to write code to call REST API endpoints in either Parse or Kinvey.

Note: The code written using these units will be specific to either Kinvey or Parse. For example, you would use either REST.Backend.KinveyProvider or REST.Backend.ParseProvider.

The REST.Backend components support BaaS services in a general or abstract way. The code written using these components is not specific to Kinvey or Parse. For example, when the TBackendStorage component is used to create an object, the code is the same whether creating a Kinvey object or a Parse object.

The application should have a provider component, such as TKinveyProvider or TParseProvider, that contains the connection information for the Cloud service. To connect a provider component with a service component, set the "Provider" property such as TBackendStorage.Provider.

In order to receive push notifications, you need to set up the messaging service (APS or GCM), the device, the Cloud service (Kinvey or Parse), and the RAD Studio application.

FMX.Grid refactoring

TGrid was internally refactored in order to improve performance, scrolling is better. TGrid delegates cells drawing to its columns. Each column can draw his cells by using default drawing method, or by using IDrawableCell interface. Also, now it is possible to handle custom cell drawing using events from TGrid. There are two new drawing events on TCustomGrid: OnDrawColumnCell and OnDrawColumnHeader.

Also, a lot of behavior and appearance properties are accumulated in one property - TCustomeGrid.Options.

Other features included are: