LiveBindings and Action Lists

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LiveBindings supports integration with Action Lists. This means that the menu that contains all the standard actions now also contains standard LiveBindings actions.


The LiveBindings actions can be used if you first place a TActionList component on a form (VCL or FMX). You can assign to buttons and menus standard LiveBindings actions using the Object Inspector, where you have the Action property published.


As you can see in the previous image, the standard LiveBindings actions are similar to the functions that the Bind Navigator (VCL, FMX) offers.

Button Purpose
TBindNavigateFirst Sets the current record to the first record in the data source, disables the First and Prior buttons, and enables the Next and Last buttons, if they are disabled.
TBindNavigatePrior Sets the current record to the previous record and enables the Last and Next buttons, if they are disabled.
TBindNavigateNext Sets the current record to the next record and enables the First and Prior buttons, if they are disabled.
TBindNavigateLast Sets the current record to the last record in the data source, disables the Last and Next buttons, and enables the First and Prior buttons, if they are disabled.
TBindNavigateInsert Inserts a new record before the current record and sets the data source into Insert and Edit states.
TBindNavigateDelete Deletes the current record and makes the next record the current record.
TBindNavigateEdit Puts the data source into Edit state so that the current record can be modified.
TBindNavigatePost Writes changes in the current record to the data source.
TBindNavigateCancel Cancels edits to the current record, restores the record display to its condition prior to editing, and turns off the Insert and Edit states, if they are active.
TBindNavigateRefresh Refreshes the buffered data in the associated data source.
TBindNavigateApplyUpdates Applies all pending updates to the data source.
TBindNavigateCancelUpdates Cancels all pending updates to the data source.

Using LiveBindings Standard Actions

The LiveBindings actions can be assigned to toolbar buttons, speed buttons, bitmap buttons, standard buttons, and menu items.

Follow these steps in order to assign a LiveBindings action to some buttons to emulate the functionality of a binding navigator (VCL, FMX).

  1. Start by creating a Windows VCL Application (FMX is also supported, but no TImageList component is available for FMX).
  2. Drop a TActionList component on the form.
  3. Drop a TImageList component on the form.
  4. Drop three TBitBtn components on the form.


  5. Click the first button and go to the Object Inspector, locate the Action property, and select New Standard Action

See Also