Output - C/C++

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Go Up to Delphi Compiler

Project > Options > Building > Delphi Compiler > Output - C/C++

Allows you to specify the C/C++ output from the Delphi compiler (exactly what the Delphi compiler is to output and the directory for the output).

By default, the Delphi compiler generates all C++Builder files (not just the .dcu files), including the required Delphi files. The only other option that generates the necessary Delphi portions is Generate DCUs. Use the C/C++ Output file generation option to specify the files you want to output.

Options Description

Target, Apply, Save

See Target Options.

Common items

See Common Items on Project Options Pages.

Output Option Description Compiler switches All platforms supported unless noted

C/C++ .bpi output directory (package import libraries)

Specifies the output directory for the package import libraries (.bpi) for use in C++ projects. Click the ellipsis [...] to open a Browse for Folder dialog box.


  • 32‑bit Windows
  • 64‑bit Windows
  • macOS 

C/C++ .hpp output directory

Specifies the output directory for the C++ header files (.hpp).


C/C++ .obj/.lib output directory

Specifies the output directory for the C++ object (.obj, .o) and static library (.lib, .a) files.


C/C++ Output file generation

Specifies the files that are to be output by the Delphi compiler.

Note: For Delphi packages, only two choices are offered:
  • Generate DCUs (appropriate when you do not plan to use the package from C++)
  • Generate all C++Builder files (including package libs)

Click the down-arrow to display the choices:

  • 32‑bit Windows
  • 64‑bit Windows
  • macOS 

Generate DCUs only

Generates the package and associated .dcu and .dcp files.

Generate C .objs

Creates a C object file for linking with a C program (no name mangling).


Generate C++ .objs

Creates a C++ object file for linking with C++ (uses C++ name mangling).


Generate C++ .objs, headers

Generates a header file (.hpp) and an object file (.obj)


Generate C++ .objs, headers, namespaces

Includes C++ namespace information in the .obj and .hpp files generated.


Generate C++ .objs, headers, namespaces, export

Includes all symbol information in the .obj and .hpp files generated.


Generate C++ .objs, namespaces

Includes C++ namespace information in the .obj files generated. This is the default for mixed Delphi and C++ projects.


Generate C++ .objs, namespaces, export

Includes C++ namespace and symbol information in the .obj files generated.


Generate C++ .objs, headers, exports

Includes symbol information in the generated object (.obj) and header (.hpp) files.


Generate C++ .objs, exports

Includes symbol information in the generated object (.obj) files.


Generate all C++Builder files (including package libs) *

Generates the package and all Delphi pieces, along with all necessary header files (.hpp), package import library file (.bpi), and package static library file (.lib, .a) for C++ projects. This is the default in desktop platforms.


Generate .hpp file.

Generates a header file (.hpp). It is set to True by default.

  • iOS Device

See Also