Types of Web Server Applications
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Whether you use WebBroker, Web Services, or DataSnap, you can create six standard types of web server applications.
Stand-alone Application
A stand-alone Web Server application is a web server that displays a form. It supports HTTP by using an Indy HTTP server component (TIdHTTPServer).
Stand-alone Console Application
A stand-alone Web Server console application is a web server that has a text-only user interface. It supports HTTP by using an Indy HTTP server component (TIdHTTPServer).
ISAPI Dynaminc Link Library
An ISAPI Web server application is a DLL that is loaded by the Web server. Client request information is passed to the DLL as a structure and evaluated by the ISAPI application, which creates appropriate request and response objects. Each request message is automatically handled in a separate execution thread.
Apache Dynamic Link Module
Apache Web server applications are DLLs loaded by the Web server. The server passes information to the DLL, processes it, and returns it to the client.
CGI Stand-alone Executable
A CGI stand-alone Web server application is a console application that receives client request information on standard input and passes the results back to the server using standard output. The CGI application evaluates this data and creates appropriate request and response objects. Each request message is handled by a separate instance of the application.
Converting Web server application target types
One powerful feature of WebBroker is that it offers several different target server types. The IDE allows you to easily convert from one target type to another.
To convert your Web Broker application target type
- Right-click the Web module and choose Add To Repository.
- In the Add To Repository dialog box, give your Web module a title, text description, Repository page (probably Data Modules), author name, and icon.
- Choose OK to save your Web module as a template.
- From the main menu, choose File > New and select Web Server Application. Choose the appropriate target type in the New Web Server Application dialog box.
- Delete the automatically generated Web module.
- From the main menu, choose File > New and select the template you saved in step 3. This will be on the page you specified in step 2.