Using the UML in Color Profile

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This topic explains how to use the "UML in color" profile to draw diagram nodes in colors.

To enable or disable the "UML in color" profile

  1. In the Options dialog box, open the Modeling > (level) > Diagram > Appearance category of options.
  2. Scroll down in the right pane to show the UML in color group of options. Set the Enable UML in color option to True to enable the "UML in color" profile.
  3. Use options in the UML in color group to adjust colors used for coloring node elements with particular Stereotypes.
For example, use the Place stereotype option to define the color to fill nodes having the place value of the Stereotype property or Role stereotype option to define the color to fill nodes having the role value of the Stereotype property.
  1. Close the Options dialog box.

To draw diagram nodes using colors defined by the "UML in color" profile

  1. Select or create a classifier.
  2. Open the Object Inspector.
  3. Assign a stereotype that is supported by the "UML in color" profile (for example, role).
Result: The classifier changes its color according to the settings in the Options dialog box.

See Also