Working with Sockets Index
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This section has been revised to describe System.Win.ScktComp instead of Web.Win.Sockets, which was removed from the product in XE6.
However, Web.Win.Sockets continues to be delivered as a VCL sample named InetWinSockets. You can use Web.Win.Sockets in RAD Studio by opening the InetWinSockets sample, right-clicking the .bpl in the Project Manager, and installing the Web.Win.Sockets components (TTcpClient, TTcpServer, and TUdpSocket, in the Internet category on the Tool Palette). For documentation on these components, see the XE5 docwiki:
The InetWinSockets product sample is installed by default in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\Samples\Object Pascal\VCL
- Instead of Web.Win.Sockets, consider using the existing comparable RTL sockets solutions in the System.Win.ScktComp unit, such as:
- Working with Sockets
- Installing Socket Components
- Implementing Services Overview
- Types of Socket Connections
- Describing Sockets
- Using Socket Components - Overview
- Responding to Socket Events
- Reading and Writing Over Socket Connections - Overview