TPersistent Branch

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The TPersistent branch includes all VCL classes that descend from TPersistent but not from TComponent. Persistence determines what gets saved with a form file or data module and what gets loaded into the form or data module when it is retrieved from memory.

Because of their persistence, objects from this branch can appear at design time. However, they can't exist independently. Rather, they implement properties for components. Properties are only loaded and saved with a form if they have an owner. The owner must be some component. TPersistent introduces the GetOwner method, which lets the Form Designer determine the owner of the object.

Classes in this branch are also the first to include a published section where properties can be automatically loaded and saved. A DefineProperties method lets each class indicate how to load and save properties.

Following are some of the classes in the TPersistent branch of the hierarchy:

Following are some of the other classes in the TPersistent branch of the hierarchy:

See Also