COM and OLE Support Routines
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This topic lists all COM/OLE support routines.
Routine | Description |
Returns the programmatic ID for a specified class given its class ID (CLSID). | |
Specifies the level of threading support requested for a COM server .EXE. | |
Returns a TComObj.ComClassManager object. | |
Generates a new GUID and returns it as a string. | |
Instantiates a single instance of a COM object. | |
Instantiates an Automation object. | |
Instantiates an Automation object. | |
Creates or opens a registry key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. | |
Creates a Com object on another machine and returns an IUnknown interface for it. | |
Deletes a single key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. | |
Returns a Variant containing an IFontDispatch interface that represents a TFont object. | |
Retrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface to a currently running, registered COM object. | |
Indicates which version of ComCtl32.dll is installed. | |
Returns the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. | |
Retrieves a value stored under a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. | |
Connects an IConnectionPoint interface. | |
Disconnects an IConnectionPoint interface connection that was previously made by the ComObj.InterfaceConnect procedure. | |
Throws a System.Win.ComObj.EOleSysError exception if the result code indicates an error. | |
Raises a System.Win.ComObj.EOleSysError exception. | |
Fills in a TFont structure to represent an IFontDispatch. | |
Returns the class ID (CLSID) GUID that corresponds to the string specified as the System.Win.ComObj.TComObjectFactory.ProgID parameter. | |
Registers a COM object as an NT service. | |
Registers an in-process COM server with the operating system. | |
Sets the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. | |
Dynamically invokes a method of an object. | |
Invokes a method or a property exposed by the COM object through IDispatch. |