Saving Favorite Searches
Go Up to Using the Advanced Search of ER Objects
After completing and running an advanced search, you can name and save the search for later use.
To save an advanced search as favorite:
- Perform an advanced search.
- After ER/Studio Team Server loads the search results, click the icon in the results header.
- On the Add to favorite dialog box that opens:
- Enter a descriptive Name for your search.
- Optionally, write a Description that provides additional details that would not fit the search name.
- Optionally, check the Shared checkbox to make your new favorite search public, so that any other user can access your search from the Favorite Searches page. If you leave this option unchecked, only you can access your new favorite search from the Favorite Searches page.
After you save your new advanced search as favorite, you can find it in the Favorite Searches page. If you are a non-social user, you can find your favorite searches in the Home page as well.
In addition to the search text, saved searches include the ordering and filter settings.