Databases Editor (SQL Server)

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Go Up to Microsoft SQL Server Object Editors

The Databases Editor lets you manage basic properties, log and data files for a database.

To edit a database

  1. Open an editor on the database. For details, see Opening an Object Editor.
  2. Use the following table as a guide to understanding and modifying the settings on the tabs of this editor:
Tab Settings and tasks


Lets you work with options in the following categories:

Creation Properties

Lets you choose values for the Compatible Level and Owner settings. NOTE: The Compatible level option sets certain database behaviors to be compatible with the specified earlier version of Microsoft® SQL Server. The compatibility level affects the behaviors in the specified database, not the entire server.To set database options for all future databases, set the database options on the model database. NOTE: When changing the database owner (dbo) select the check box to transfer the existing aliases of users who could act as the old dbo (including their permissions) to the new dbo.


Lets you set the following properties: ANSI null default, ANSI nulls, ANSI padding, ANSI warnings, arithabort, auto create statistics, auto update statistics, auto close, auto shrink, concat null yields nul, cursor close on commit, db chaining, dbo use only, default to local cursor, merge publish, numeric roundabout, offline, published, quoted identifier, read only, recursive triggers, select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, single user, subscribed, torn page detection, and trunc log on chkpt.


Displays the currently defined data files for the database. Optionally, you can:

Select a file from the list on the left and in the Device File Properties group, modify the Size, File Growth Rate, Max Size, and Unlimited Max Size settings.

Click the New button, provide a Device File Name for the new file, and use the other settings in the Device File Properties group to provide additional details for the file.

Select a file from the list on the left and click Delete to remove the file.

Transaction Log

Displays the currently defined transaction logs for the database. Optionally, you can:

Select a transaction log from the list on the left and in the Log Device Properties group, modify the Size, File Growth Rate, Max Size, and Unlimited Max Size settings.

Click the New button, provide a Device File Name for the new transaction log, and use the other settings in the Log Device Properties group to provide additional details for the transaction log.

Select a transaction log from the list on the left and click Delete to remove the transaction log.


Lets you view pie charts showing the data space usage and the transaction log (if available) space usage for the database.

DDL View

For details on using this tab, see Viewing the SQL/DDL for an Object.

3. When finished, you can submit your changes. For details, see Previewing and Submitting Object Editor Changes.