Soap.InvokeRegistry.TInvokableClassRegistry Methods

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AfterConstructionpublicResponds after the last constructor has executed.
BeforeDestructionpublicResponds before the first destructor executes.
CheckDisposedprotectedThis method is deprecated.
ClassInfopublicReturns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.
ClassNamepublicReturns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument).
ClassNameIspublicDetermines whether an object is of a specific type.
ClassParentpublicReturns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class.
ClassTypepublicReturns the class reference for the object's class.
CleanupInstancepublicPerforms finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class.
CreatepublicCreates and initializes a TInvokableClassRegistry object.
DefaultHandlerpublicProvides the interface for a method that processes message records.
DestroypublicFrees the memory associated with the TInvokableClassRegistry object.
DispatchpublicCalls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
DisposeOfpublicDisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object.
EqualspublicChecks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal.
FieldAddresspublicReturns the address of a published object field.
FreepublicDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FreeInstancepublicDeallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method.
GetActionURIOfIIDpublicReturns the SOAP Action header associated with the interface with a specified GUID.
GetActionURIOfInfopublicReturns the SOAP Action header associated with the type info of a registered interface.
GetClassFromIntfInfopublicRetrieves the implementation class that corresponds to the type info of an invokable interface.
GetDisposedprotectedGetter for the Disposed property.
GetExceptionInfoForInterfacepublicRetrieves an array of exceptions that are registered as associated with an invokable interface.
GetHashCodepublicReturns an integer containing the hash code.
GetHeaderClasspublicReturns the class reference for a header type, given its name and namespace.
GetHeaderInfoForInterfacepublicRetrieves an array of headers that are registered as associated with an invokable interface.
GetHeaderNamepublicReturns the name of a header that is identified by a specified class reference.
GetHeaderNamespacepublicReturns the namespace URI for a header that is identified by a specified class reference.
GetInfoForURIpublicRetrieves information about a registered invokable interface that is identified by a SOAP action header or the path of an HTTP message.
GetInterfacepublicRetrieves a specified interface.
GetInterfaceCountpublicReturns the number of registered invokable interfaces.
GetInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class.
GetInterfaceExternalNamepublicReturns the name of the port type that corresponds to an invokable interface.
GetInterfaceInfoFromNamepublicReturns information about a registered invokable interface given its name.
GetInterfaceTablepublicReturns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class.
GetInterfaceTypeInfopublicReturns the runtime type information (RTTI) of an invokable interface.
GetIntfInvokeOptionspublicRetrieves any flags that customize the way calls to a registered interface are made.
GetInvokableObjectFromClasspublicReturns an instance of the implementation class for a registered invokable interface.
GetMethExternalNamepublicReturns the name of the operation that corresponds to a method on an invokable interface.
GetMethInternalNamepublicReturns the name of the method that corresponds to an operation in a WSDL document.
GetMethodInfopublicGets information about a method exposed by a registered interface.
GetNamespaceByGUIDpublicReturns a namespace that is uniquely associated with a registered interface.
GetParamExternalNamepublicReturns the name of the part that corresponds to a parameter on a method of an invokable interface.
GetParamInfopublicGets information about a parameter of a method exposed by a registered interface.
GetParamInternalNamepublicReturns the name of the parameter that corresponds to a part on a message of an operation in a WSDL document.
GetRegInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the internal data that TInvokableClassRegistry maintains for one of its registered interfaces.
GetRequestHeaderInfoForInterfacepublicRetrieves an array of headers that are registered as associated with requests to an invokable interface.
GetResponseHeaderInfoForInterfacepublicRetrieves an array of headers that are registered as associated with responses to invocations of an invokable interface.
GetReturnParamNamespublicReturns the list of parameter names that map to return values of interface methods.
GetUDDIInfopublicRetrieves the description of the UDDI location that describes a registered interface.
GetWSDLEncodingpublicReturns the encoding attribute of the xml header of a document that defines the port type to which the interface corresponds.
HasRegInterfaceImplpublicIndicates whether there is a registered implementation class for an invokable interface.
InheritsFrompublicDetermines the relationship of two object types.
InitInstancepublicInitializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer.
InstanceSizepublicReturns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type.
MethodAddresspublicReturns the address of a class method by name.
MethodNamepublicReturns the name of a class method by address.
NewInstancepublicAllocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.
QualifiedClassNamepublicReturns the qualified name of the class.
RegisterAllSOAPActionspublicSupplies a set of SOAP Action headers to use for an already-registered interface.
RegisterDefaultSOAPActionpublicSupplies a SOAP Action header to use for an already-registered interface.
RegisterExceptionpublicRegisters the remotable exception classes that calls to an invokable interface can raise.
RegisterExceptionMethodpublicRegisters methods of an invokable interface that can raise a registered exception class.
RegisterExternalMethNamepublicRegisters the correspondence between a method name on an invokable interface and the corresponding operation name in a WSDL document.
RegisterExternalParamNamepublicRegisters the correspondence between a parameter name on an invokable interface and the corresponding part name in a WSDL document.
RegisterHeaderClasspublicRegisters a class that represents a headers which accompanies calls to an invokable interface.
RegisterHeaderMethodpublicRegisters methods of an invokable interface that make use of a registered header.
RegisterInterfacepublicRegisters an invokable interface.
RegisterInvokableClasspublicRegisters the implementation class for an invokable interface.
RegisterInvokeOptionspublicRegisters flags that customize the way calls to a registered interface are made.
RegisterMethodInfopublicRegisters the relation between a method on an invokable interface and the corresponding operation in a WSDL document.
RegisterParamInfopublicRegisters the relation between a parameter on an invokable interface and the corresponding part in a WSDL document.
RegisterReturnParamNamespublicRegisters a list of parameter names that map to return values of interface methods.
RegisterUDDIInfopublicRegisters the location of the UDDI description that can be used to import the location of a Web Service.
SafeCallExceptionpublicHandles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention.
ToStringpublicReturns a string containing the class name.
UnitNamepublicReturns the name of the unit where the class is defined.
UnitScopepublicReturns the class's unit scope.
UnRegisterInterfacepublicUnregisters an invokable interface.
UnRegisterInvokableClasspublicUnregisters the implementation class for an invokable interface.