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constructor Create(AGrid: TStringGrid; AIndex: Longint);


__fastcall TStringGridStrings(TStringGrid* AGrid, int AIndex);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Vcl.Grids TStringGridStrings


Creates an instance of TStringGridStrings.

Do not create instances of TStringGridStrings. String grids create TStringGridStrings objects for every row and column, to allow quick access of the strings and objects associated with the cells in the grid.

The AGrid parameter specifies the string grid that will use the TStringGridStrings object. The AIndex parameter specifies the index of the row or column associated with the TStringGridStrings object. If AIndex is greater than 0, the TStringGridStrings object represents the row indexed by AIndex. If AIndex is less than 0, the TStringGridStrings object represents the column indexed by the absolute value of AIndex. If AIndex is 0, the TStringGridStrings object represents an empty row or column.

See Also