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  ImgDelayDescr = record
    grAttrs:     LongWord;          { attributes                        }
    szName:      _PAnsiChr;         { pointer to dll name               }
    hmod:        HMODULE;           { address of module handle          }
    pIAT:        PImageThunkData;   { address of the IAT                }
    pINT:        PImageThunkData;   { address of the INT                }
    pBoundIAT:   PImageThunkData;   { address of the optional bound IAT }
    pUnloadIAT:  PImageThunkData;   { address of optional copy of
                                       original IAT                     }
    dwTimeStamp: LongWord;          { 0 if not bound,                   }
                                    { O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound
                                       to (Old BIND)                    }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
record public SysInit.pas SysInit SysInit


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