System.RegularExpressionsCore.TPerlRegEx Properties

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CompiledpublicIndicates that RegEx has been compiled.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
FoundMatchpublicIndicates that a match has been found.
GroupCountpublicNumber of matched capturing groups.Number of matched groups stored in the Groups array.
GroupLengthspublicLengths of the text matched by capturing groups.
GroupOffsetspublicCharacter offsets in Subject at which the capturing group matches start.
GroupspublicMatched groups after a regex has been matched.
MatchedLengthpublicLength of the substring matched.
MatchedOffsetpublicCharacter offset to the beginning of the matched substring.
MatchedTextpublicHolds the substring that was last matched.
OptionspublicEnables a set of matching capabilities for RegEx.
RegExpublicThe regular expression to be matched.
ReplacementpublicString to replace matched expression with.
StartpublicStarting position in Subject to look for matches.
StatepublicState of the Subject string.
StoppublicLast character in Subject to search through.
StudiedpublicIndicates that RegEx has already been studied by the Study method.
SubjectpublicThe string on which Match will try to match RegEx.
SubjectLeftpublicPart of the subject to the left of the match.
SubjectRightpublicPart of the subject to the right of the match.