Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI.TAmazonMultipartUploadsResult Properties

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BucketpublicThe name of the bucket this result is for.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
IsTruncatedpublicIs True if there are more items after these that were left out because of the MaxUploads value.
KeyMarkerpublicThe optional key marker passed in with the request, at or after which the listing begins.
MaxUploadspublicThe maximum number of items to return before truncating.
NextKeyMarkerpublicThe Continuation token for the key marker if the result is truncated.
NextUploadIdMarkerpublicThe continuation token for the upload ID marker if the result is truncated.
UploadIdMarkerpublicThe optional upload ID marker after which listing began.
UploadItemspublicThe list of active multipart upload items.