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function AllEqual: Boolean; override;


virtual bool __fastcall AllEqual(void);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DesignEditors TComponentProperty


Indicates whether all selected components have the same value for the property.

DesignEditors.TComponentProperty.AllEqual inherits from DesignEditors.TPropertyEditor.AllEqual. All content below this line refers to DesignEditors.TPropertyEditor.AllEqual.

Indicates whether all selected components have the same value for the property.

The Object Inspector calls AllEqual when there is more than one component selected to determine whether a value should appear for this property. If this method returns true, the Object Inspector displays a value for the property. If this method returns false, the line for the property in the Object Inspector remains blank.

In TPropertyEditor, AllEqual always returns false if more than one selected component has the associated property. Override this method to check the properties of individual components and determine whether a property value can be displayed in the Object Inspector.

Note: AllEqual is called only when the value returned by GetAttributes includes paMultiSelect.

See Also