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constructor Create(const ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo); overload;
constructor Create(const ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const AAttributes: TEMSResourceAttributes); overload;


__fastcall TEMSTypeInfoResource(const System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo)/* overload */;
__fastcall TEMSTypeInfoResource(const System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, TEMSResourceAttributes* const AAttributes)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
EMS.ResourceTypes TEMSTypeInfoResource


Creates an instance of TEMSTypeInfoResource from the type information data of the specified type information pointer.

You may optionally provide an instance of TEMSResourceAttributes to override some of the type information data.

EMS Resource Overview explains in detail how to use TEMSTypeInfoResource.

If the specified type information data does not include a valid constructor, Create raises an EEMSError exception with the following message:

Constructor not found for <class>

A "valid constructor" is a constructor that matches either of the following:

  • The constructor does not accept any parameter.
  • The constructor accepts a single parameter of type TComponent.

See Also