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property OnMasterChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnMasterChange  write FOnMasterChange;


__property System::Classes::TNotifyEvent OnMasterChange = {read=FOnMasterChange, write=FOnMasterChange};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event public
FireDAC.Comp.DataSet TFDMasterDataLink


Occurs after the Fields property changes.

FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.TFDMasterDataLink.OnMasterChange inherits from Data.DB.TMasterDataLink.OnMasterChange. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TMasterDataLink.OnMasterChange.

Occurs after the Fields property changes.

Write an OnMasterChange event handler to update the dataset that owns the TMasterSourceLink to reflect any changes that occurred in the source (master) dataset or the FieldNames property. The Fields property reflects the new state of the source (master) dataset and the FieldNames property. If FieldNames refers to any fields that disappeared from the source dataset, the Fields property contains undefined field components for those fields.

Typically, the OnMasterChange event handler updates the detail dataset to reflect those details that correspond to the master field values obtained from the Fields property.

See Also