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Package FireDACCommon230.bpl


TFDLibraryThis class allows to load and access DLL libraries.


ADDouble2BCDConverts a double value to a TBcd.
FDAnsiStrLenReturns the number of characters in a PFDAnsiString, excluding the null terminator.
FDBCD2DoubleConverts a TBcd to a double value.
FDBCD2StrReturns a string representation of a binary-coded decimal (BCD) value.
FDBcdGetMetricsReturns the scale and precision of a TBcd object.
FDBcdIsDecimalPartEmptyReturns whether the decimal part of the TBcd object is empty.
FDBin2HexReturns a hexadecimal representation of a Pointer.
FDBin2HexBSReturns a hexadecimal representation of a Pointer.
FDBrowseForFolderFDBrowseForFolder allows a user to select a folder.
FDCompareAnsiStrFDCompareAnsiStr compares the values of AStr1 and AStr2 parameters.
FDCompareByteStrFDCompareByteStr compares the values of AStr1 and AStr2 parameters.
FDCompareWideStrFDCompareWideStr compares the values of AStr1 and AStr2 parameters.
FDCountFieldNamesFDCountFieldNames returns the number of field names contained by a String object.
FDCurr2StrFDCurr2Str formats a Currency value as a String.
FDDate2DateTimeFDDate2DateTime converts a Longint value to a TDateTime object.
FDDate2SQLTimeStampConverts a Longint value to a TSQLTimeStamp value.
FDDateTime2DateConverts an AValue date and time value to a date value represented by the number of days from the start of the calendar (the number of days since 1/1/0001 plus one).
FDDateTime2MSecsConverts an AValue date and time value to the number of milliseconds from the start of the calendar (the number of days since 1/1/0001 plus one).
FDDateTime2SQLTimeStampConverts a TDateTime to a TFDSQLTimeStamp value.
FDDateTime2TimeConverts a TDateTime to a TTime value.
FDDisableFPExcDisables floating-point exceptions.
FDEncodeDateTimeReturns a TDateTime that represents a specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
FDExpandStrExpands a string by replacing the path variables with their actual values.
FDExpandStrsExpands a list of strings by replacing the path variables with their actual values.
FDExtractFieldNameReturns the next name in a delimited string of field names.
FDExtractFileNameNoPathReturns the file name without its extension.
FDFieldInFieldNamesChecks if a field name is in a semicolon-delimited string of names.
FDFieldNamesToArrayConverts field names within a string to an array of strings.
FDFileMoveMoves the file to a new specified path.
FDFixCRLFAdjusts CR / LF in a string to a conventional presentation of run-time platform.
FDFloat2StrConverts a floating-point value to a string.
FDFloatRec2BCDConverts a floating-point number to a string.
FDFreeDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FDFreeAndNilFrees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
FDGetAppCfgPathReturns the path for the application configuration.
FDGetAppDocPathReturns the path for the application documents.
FDGetAppPathReturns path for the executable module of the application.
FDGetBestPathReturns the best configuration path.
FDGetCmdParamReturns the command-line parameters.
FDGetLibMachineTypeReturns the machine type.
FDGetPerformanceCounterReturns the value of the performance counter.
FDGetSystemCfgPathReturns the path of the system configuration directory.
FDGetTempPathReturns the path of the temporary files directory.
FDGetTickCountReturns the number of milliseconds since the system start.
FDGetVersionInfoReturns version information associated with a specified file.
FDHandleExceptionCalled when an exception is raised.
FDHex2BinReturns a binary representation of a String.
FDHighRefCounterSets the reference count of an object to a maximum possible value.
FDIdentToStrReturns a string representation of a Variant.
FDIndexOfReturns the index of an item inside a list.
FDInSetChecks if a character belongs to a set.
FDInt2StrConverts an integer number into a string.
FDLastSystemErrorMsgReturns the last system error message.
FDMergeFieldNamesCombines two strings with the field names.
FDMSecs2DateTimeConverts a double value into the corresponding TDateTime value.
FDNameFromIndexReturns the name at the position indicated by the AIndex variable, from a list of strings.
FDNormPathEnsures that a path name ends with a delimiter.
FDPadLFormats the text by adding spaces or reducing the text.
FDPadRFormats the text by adding spaces or reducing the text.
FDReadEnvValueRetrieves the value of an environment variable.
FDReadRegValueRetrieves a string value from the system registry.
FDSameVariantsReturns the result of comparing two Variants.
FDSetEnvCreates, modifies, or deletes an environment variable.
FDSQLTimeStamp2DateConverts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a Longint value.
FDSQLTimeStamp2DateTimeConverts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a TDateTime value.
FDSQLTimeStamp2TimeConverts a TSQLTimeStamp object to an integer.
FDStr2BCDReturns a binary-coded decimal (BCD) representation of a string.
FDStr2CurrConverts a string to a Currency value.
FDStr2FloatConverts a given string to a floating-point value.
FDStr2IntConverts into a number a string that represents an integer (decimal notation).
FDStrLikeCompares a string and a pattern for matches.
FDStrReplaceReplaces a character in a string.
FDStrRPosReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of Str2 in Str1.
FDStrTokenSplits a string into different parts delimited by the specified delimiter characters.
FDSystemMessageDisplays a system message box.
FDTime2DateTimeConverts a Longint time value into a TDateTime value.
FDTime2SQLTimeStampConverts a Longint time value into a TSQLTimeStamp value.
FDTimeoutChecks the timeout.
FDUnquoteRemoves the quote characters from a string.
FDValToStrReturns a string representation of a Variant.
FDValueFromIndexReturns the string at a specified position.
FDVar2SQLTimeStampConverts a Variant into a TSQLTimeStamp.
FDVarToBoolConverts a Variant to a Boolean.
FDVerInt2StrConverts a TFDVersion value to a String.
FDVerStr2IntConverts a String to a TFDVersion value.
FDWideStrLenReturns the number of characters in a PWideChar, excluding the null terminator.
FDWriteRegValueCreates a new registry key.






mtNativemtNative: TFDMachineType = mt32Bit;